![[Image: 57420064166659354023.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/57420064166659354023.jpg)
Year Author Booklet
1993 Ralph B. Peck "The Coming of Age of Soil Mechanics: 1920-1970"
1994 G. Geoffrey Meyerhof "Evolution of Safety Factors and Geotechnical Limit State Design"
1995 James K. Mitchell "The Role of Soil Mechanics in Environmental Geotechnics"
1996 Delwyn G. Fredlund "The Emergence of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics"
1997 T. William Lambe "The Selection of Soil Strength for a Stability Analysis"
1998 John B. Burland "The Enigma of the Leaning Tower of Pisa"
1999 J. Michael Duncan "Factors of Safety and Reliability in Geotechnical Engineering"
2000 Harry G. Poulos "Foundation Settlement Analysis - Practice Versus Research"
2001 Robert D. Holtz "Geosynthetics for Soil Reinforcement"
2002 Arnold Aronowitz "The World trade Center: Construction, Destruction, Reconstruction"
2003 Eduardo Alonso "Exploring the Limits of Unsaturated Soil Mechanics: the Behavior of Coarse Granular Soil and Rockfill"
2004 Raymond Krizek "Slurries in Geotechnical Engineering"
2005 T.D. O’Rourke "Soil-Structure Interaction Under Extreme Loading Conditions"
2006 Clyde N. Baker, Jr. "In-Situ Testing, Soil Structure Interaction, and Cost Effective Foundation Design"
2007 Ricardo Dobry "Pile response to liquefaction and lateral spreading: field observations and current Research"
2008 Kenneth H. Stokoe "The Increasing Roles of Seismic Measurements in Geotechnical Engineering"
2009 José M. Roesset "Some Applications of Soil Dynamics"
2010 Kenji Ishihara "Forensic Diagnosis for Site-Specific Ground Conditions in Deep Excavations of Subway Constructions"
2011 Rudolph Bonaparte "Cold War Legacy – Design, Construction, and Performance of a Land-Based Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility Excavations of Subway Constructions"
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