03-27-2010, 03:06 PM
Moment Connections in Composite Construction: Interim Guidance for End-plate Connections - Technical Report
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By R.M. Lawson
* Publisher: Steel Construction Institute,The
* Number Of Pages: 92
* Publication Date: 1995-10
* ISBN-10 / ASIN: 1859420109
* ISBN-13 / EAN: 9781859420102
Contains guidance on the design of connections in composite frames in accordance with Eurocode 4 and BS 5950: Part 3. The steel to steel connections are of the end plate type and are design to act compositely by the provision of reinforcement in the slab. Both elastic global and plastic hinge methods of analysis are covered, serviceability performance being treated by a modified elastic analysis. The step-by-step design procedure is presented for both scheme and final design of frames using these connections. A worked example and design tables are also included.
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