Steel Building Design:Worked Examples - Hollow Sections
Size: 2.2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: The Steel Construction Institute | pages: 74 | ISBN: 979-1-85942-161-1
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The design of steel framed buildings in the UK has, since 1990, generally been in accordance with the British Standard BS 5950-1. However, that Standard is due to be withdrawn in March 2010; it will be replaced by the corresponding Parts of the Structural Eurocodes.
The Eurocodes are a set of structural design standards, developed by CEN (European Committee for Standardisation) over the last 30 years, to cover the design of all types of structures in steel, concrete, timber, masonry and aluminium. In the UK, they are published by BSI under the designations BS EN 1990 to BS EN 1999; each of these ten Eurocodes is published in several Parts and each Part is accompanied by a National Annex that implements the CEN document and adds certain UK-specific provisions.
This publication is one of a number of new design guides that are being produced by SCI to help designers become acquainted with the use of the Eurocodes for structural steel design. It provides a number of short examples, in the form of calculation sheets, illustrating the design of structural hollow sections for beams and columns in buildings.
All the examples were prepared by Miss M E Brettle and checked by Mr A S Malik of The Steel Construction Institute.
The work leading to this publication was funded by Tata Steel* and their support is gratefully acknowledged.
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