Introduction to Soft Soil Geotechnique: Content, Context and Application
Author: Frans B. J. Barends | Size: 7.6 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: IOS Press | Year: 2011 | pages: 365 | ISBN: 1607507889
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The book reviews basic aspects of soil mechanics such as laboratory and field-testing, stresses and strains, deformation and strength, and groundwater effects, including environmental aspects. It touches upon a wide range of applications of soil mechanics in construction: prediction of settlements, bearing capacity of shallow and deep foundations, piles and footings, stability of earth retaining structures, analysis of slope stability, principles of soft-ground tunnelling, ground improvement techniques, and coastal and reservoir engineering. Fundamental aspects of physical and numerical models and their application, codes of practice and guidelines, principles of risk management for handling uncertainty and reliability, and a structural involvement of experience are discussed.
The author was from Technical University Delft and has been active in this field for the past 40 years, well connected on the one hand to the scientific world of soil mechanics and on the other hand to the (geotechnical) engineering practice.
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