08-31-2009, 06:21 PM
Joints in steel construction: Composite connections
This publication is one in a series of books (produced by the SCI/BCSA Connections Group) that cover a range of structural steelwork connections. It provides a guide to the design of composite connections in steelwork. Other books in the series are Joints in simple construction Vols 1 and 2 (to be replaced by Joints in steel construction: Simple connections), and Joints in steel construction: Moment connections. Included in the guide are composite end plate connections suitable for use in semi-continuous braced frames. Both beam to column and beam to beam details are considered, with full design procedures given. Guidance on frame design procedures is also given. Capacity tables are included for a range of standard details.
ISBN: 1859420850
Publisher: Steel Construction Institute
![[Image: 1hviv2wsafl6ou4tdygq.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/1hviv2wsafl6ou4tdygq.jpg)
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