10-12-2011, 12:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-12-2011, 12:50 PM by Dell_Brett.)
Critical state soil mechanics via finite elements
Author: Arul M. Britto, Michael John Gunn | Size: ~15 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: John Wiely & Sons | Year: 1987 | pages: 244 | ISBN: 9780853129370
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Engineers have to predict the behaviour of various materials when they are loaded by mechanical forces. Geotechnical engineers are no different to other engineers in this respect : they have to predict the behaviour of soil whereas other engineers deal with steel, concrete, wood, plastics or fluids. In describing the behaviour of materials, engineers use a number of conceptual 'models' which are simplifications of real behaviour. Examples of these models include linear elastic solids, perfectly plastic solids and viscous fluids. If we compare the behaviour of each engineering material with the appropriate conceptual model, then we will always find some differences in detail. However, the important point is that the conceptual model is often sufficiently accurate for the purposes of engineering analysis and design. Associated with each of the examples listed above there is a collection of standard solutions to commonly occurring problems to which the engineer can refer (i.e. the theories of elasticity, plasticity and fluid mechanics) .
Soil behaviour conforms less to the models of material behaviour that we have mentioned so far than do most engineering materials. This is because soil is a two-phase material consisting of solid particles and wa ter. Its response to being loaded is inheren tly more complex than the response of steel or concrete, for example. Another complicating factor arises because the distribution of soil properties in a typical deposit (such as stiffness and strength) is non-uniform. In particular, soil properties always vary with the depth below the ground surface and this will usually have to be taken into account in engineering design.
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