09-03-2011, 12:47 AM
Incompressible Computational Fluid Dynamics: Trends and Advances
Author: Max D. Gunzburger, Roy A. Nicolaides | Size: 2.89 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Cambridge University Press | Year: 1993 | pages: 497 | ISBN: 052140407X, 9780521404075
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Incompressible computational fluid dynamics is an emerging and important discipline, with numerous applications in industry and science. Its methods employ rigorous mathematical analysis far beyond what is presently possible for compressible flows. Vortex methods, finite elements, and spectral methods are emphasized. Contributions from leading experts in the various subfields portray the wide-ranging nature of the subject. The book provides an entree into the current research in the field. It can also serve as a source book for researchers and others who require up-to-date information on methods and techniques.
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