Statistical Theory and Modeling for Turbulent Flows, 1st edition
Author: P. A. Durbin & B. A. Pettersson Reif | Size: 5.50 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition | Year: 2001 | pages: 302 | ISBN: 0471497444 & 9780471497448
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Product Description:
Most natural and industrial flows are turbulent. The atmosphere and oceans, automobile and aircraft engines, all provide examples of this ubiquitous phenomenon. In recent years, turbulence has become a very lively area of scientific research and application, and this work offers a grounding in the subject of turbulence, developing both the physical insight and the mathematical framework needed to express the theory. Providing a solid foundation in the key topics in turbulence, this valuable reference resource enables the reader to become a knowledgeable developer of predictive tools.
This central and broad ranging topic would be of interest to graduate students in a broad range of subjects, including aeronautical and mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and the physical sciences. The accompanying solutions manual to the text also makes this a valuable teaching tool for lecturers and for practising engineers and scientists in computational and experimental and experimental fluid dynamics.
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"Downstream is Weaker"