08-07-2011, 06:43 PM
CTBUH Collection of Technical Papers - Wind Engineering
Author: Many | Size: 47 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CTBUH | Year: 2004-2011 | pages: 35 Papers | ISBN: -
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Technical Papers
The Technical Papers Library contains many hundreds of papers published by architects, engineers and academics on a range of multi-disciplinary subjects. The papers cover every facet of tall building design, construction and occupation and are searchable by author, topic and category.
Featured Technical Papers
Prediction Method for Response of an Elasto-Plastic Structure to Fluctuating Wind Force Based on Energy BalanceCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Yoshie, K.
Revision of the AIJ Recommendations on Wind Loads for BuildingsCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.539 - 545
Tamura, Y., Ohkuma, T. & Kawai, H.
Numerical Analysis of Wind Loads on Tall Buildings in Urban AreaCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.531 - 538
Tamura, T., Kono, T., Cao, S., Tsubokura, M., Okuda, Y. & Okada, H.
The Damped Outrigger Concept for Tall BuildingsCTBUH / Wiley Tal Journal, 2007, pp.501 - 517
Smith, Rob J. and Willford, Michael R.
Bahrain World Trade Center (BWTC): The First Large-Scale Integration of Wind Turbines in a BuildingCTBUH / Wiley Tal Journal, 2007, pp.429 - 439
Smith, Richard F. and Killa, Shaun
Developing Habitable Wind EnvironmentsCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.841 - 846
Rofail, Tony
Recent Applications of Damping Systems for Wind ResponseCTBUH 6th World Congress, Melbourne, 26 February - 2 March, 2001.
Irwin, Peter; Breukelman, Brian
Case Study: Nakhel Tower - The Vertical CityCTBUH Journal 2009 Is II pp. 16-24
Mitcheson-Low, Mark, & O'Brien, Dennis
Aerodynamic Solutions to Minimize the Wind-Induced Dynamic Response of Tall BuildingsCTBUH 6th World Congress, Melbourne, 26 February - 2 March, 2001. pp.681 - 690
Melbourne, W. H. & Cheung, J. C. K.
Practical Solution to Reduce the Wind-Induced Response of Tall BuildingsCTBUH 6th World Congress, Melbourne, 26 February - 2 March, 2001.
McNamara, R.J.
Aeroelastic Wind-Tunnel Testing Technique RevisitedCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Kiviluoma, R.
Aeroelastic Responses of Tall Building to Wind Loads using TLDCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004.
Kim, Young-Moon, You, Ki -Pyo & Ham, Hee-Jung
A Study on the Characteristics of the Evaluation Methods for Wind-induced Responses and ForcesCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.983 - 990
Kim, J. Y., Kim, D. Y, Kim, H. Y. & Kim, S. D.
A Study on the Evaluation Methods of Equivalent Design Wind Loads for Tall BuildingsCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004.
Kim, Dae Young, Kim, Ji Young, Lee, Myung Ho & Kim, Sang
Comparison of Peak Pressure Coefficients for Wind Load Among International Codes and StandardsCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.523 - 530
Kikitsu, H., Okada, H. & Okuda, Y.
Characteristics of Aerodynamic Response of High-Rise Buildings with Open PassageCIB / CTBUH Conference, Kuala Lumpur. October 20 - 23, 2003. pp.515 - 522
Kikitsu, H. & Okada, H.
Dynamic Behavior of Tall Buildings Under Wind: Insights from Full-Scale MonitoringCTBUH / Wiley Tal Journal, 2007, pp. 471 - 486
Kijewski-Correa, Tracy and Pirnia, J. David
Harnessing Energy in Tall Buildings: Bahrain World Trade Center and BeyondCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.144 - 150
Killa, Shaun and Smith, Richard F.
Four Tall Buildings in Madrid – Study of the Wind-Induced Response in Serviceability Limit StateCuadernos Intemac. No. 72. pp.1-40
Hoogendoorn, P.P.; Cabal, R.A
Friend or Foe, Wind at HeightCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.336 - 342
Irwin, Peter ; Kilpatrick, John and Frisque, Andrea
The Wind Engineering of the Burj Dubai TowerCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Irwin, P.
Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Dynamic Wind Pressures Acting on a Tall Chimney ModelCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.973 - 977
Ham, H.J., Kim, Y.M., Lee, M.H.
Characteristics of the Across-Wind Fluctuating Force and Spectral Density of Rectangular High-Rise Buildings with Various Side RatiosCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.978 - 982
Ha, Y.C., Kim, D.W., Kil, Y.S.
Harvesting Wind Power from Tall BuildingsCTBUH 8th World Congress, Dubai. March 3 - 5, 2008. pp.320 - 327
Denoon, Roy ; Cochran, Brad ; Banks, David and Wood, Graeme
Early Days of North American Wind Engineering: An Interview with Professor Cermak about Professor DavenportAGD Symposium, University of Western Ontario, Canada, June 2002
Cochran, Leighton S.
State of the Art Review of Wind Tunnels and Physical Modelling to Obtain Structural Loads and Cladding PressuresArchitectural Science Review, March 2006, Volume 50: 7 - 16
Cochran, Leighton
Wind Load Characteristics on 3-D Elliptic Section CylindersCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.496 - 503
Choi, H., Kanda, J., Hamada, T.
Effects of Neighboring Building on Wind LoadsCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004. pp.516 - 523
Cho, K., Hong, S., Hwang, K.S.
Wind Engineering for the Las Vegas Stratosphere TowerThe Sixth Asia-Pacific Conference on Wind Engineering(APCWE- VI), Seoul, Korea, September 12 - 14, 2005
Boggs, Daryl, Wright, Brent & Denoon Roy
Sources of Torional Wind Loading on Tall Buildings: Lessons From the Wind TunnelAdvanced Technology in Structural Engineering (Proceedings of the 2000 Structures Congress & Exposition, May 2000, Philadelphia), ed. M. Elgaaly, SEI/ASCE, 2000
Boggs, Daryl W., Hosoya, Noriaki & Cochran, Leighton
Wind Load on Arena Roofs Using Aerodynamic ModelsStructural Engineering in Natural Hazards Mitigation, Vol. 1 (Proceedings of papers presented at the Structures Congress '93, Irvine, CA), ed. A.H-S. Ang and R. Villaverde, ASCE, 1993
Boggs, Daryl W. & Peterka, Jon A.
Acceleration Indexes for Human Comfort in Tall Buildings - Peak or RMS?CTBUH Monograph Chpt. 13: Motion Perception Tolerance and Mitigation 1997
Boggs, Daryl
Wind Speeds for Design of Temporary StructuresPresented at 10th ASCE Structures Congress, April 13 - 15, 1002, San Antonio, TX. Published in Structures Congress '92 Compact Papers, ASCE, 1992
Boggs, D.W. & Peterka, J.A.
Validation of the Aerodynamic Model MethodJournal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 41 - 44(1992) 1011 - 1022
Boggs, D.W.
Performance-Based Evalulation for the 450m Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main TowerCTBUH Journal 2009 Is II pp. 36-46
Besjak, Charles M., McElhatten, Brian J., & Biswas, Preetam
The Effect of Tall Building Base Opening Geometry on Wind Loads and Local Flow StructuresCTBUH 7th World Congress, New York. October 16 - 19, 2005.
Bekele, S.
Control of Wind-Induced Acceleration Response of 46-Story R.C. Building Structure Using Viscoelastic Dampers Replacing Outrigger SystemCTBUH Conference, Seoul. October 10 - 13, 2004.
Ahn, Sang Kyung, Min, Kyung-Won, Lee, Sang-Hyun, Park, Ji-Hun, Lee, Dong-Gun & Oh, Jung- Gun
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