CISC Guide for Specifying Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel
Author: Terri Meyer Boake, | Size: 3.2 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CISC | Year: 2011 | pages: 45 | ISBN: 978-0-88811-149-4
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The Purpose of the Guide:
The factors of influence were worked into the Categories and Characteristics as they are defined
in the new AESS documents. It was felt that in order for the users of the new specification documents
to more fully understand aspects of the Categories and Characteristics, that an illustrated
document was required. This Guide has been written to help you to more fully understand the
suite of CISC documents for the Specification of AESS material. It provides you with visual references
to help you to better understand the terms of reference. The buildings and connections
included in this document are meant to be representative and to provide clear visual references
that support the key facts that are being explained by the Guide. It is also hoped that the range
of projects illustrated will inspire you by highlighting the wide range of possibilities available
when designing with Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel.
It is not the intention of the Committee that the included details should be replicated or necessarily
represent “best practices”. They are presented only to allow for a better understanding of
the visual intentions of the practices and procedures outlined in the Guide and related specification documents.
Understanding that “a picture might be worth a thousand words”. The buildings
and connections included in this document are meant to be representative and to provide
clear visual references that support the key facts that are being explained by the Guide. It is also
hoped that the range of projects illustrated will inspire you by highlighting the wide range of
possibilities available when designing with Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel and help the
architect select appropriate Categories of AESS which range from AESS1 through AESS4.
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