Author: Satoru Okamoto | Size: 17.8 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: InTech | Year: 2011 | pages: 146 | ISBN: 9789533072951
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Wind tunnels are the primary research tools used in aerodynamic research. They are used to study the eff ects of air moving past solid objects. Although great advances in computational methods have been made in recent years, wind tunnel tests remain essential for obtaining the full range of data required to guide detailed design decisions for various practical engineering problems. This book collects original and innovative research studies on recent applications in wind tunnel tests, exhibiting various investigation directions and providing a bird’s eye view on this broad subject area. It is composed of seven chapters that have been grouped in two major parts. The fi rst part of the book (chapters 1–4) deals with wind tunnel technologies and devices. The second part (chapters 5–7) deals with the latest applications of wind tunnel testing.
The following is a brief description of the subjects that are covered in each chapter:
Chapter 1 reviews some examples of environmental wind tunnels.
Chapter 2 describes a 6-DOF system for the measurements of forces and torques in wind tunnels.
Chapter 3 proposes a 6-DOF wire-driven parallel manipulator with redundant actuations for wind tunnels.
Chapter 4 introduces the plasma wind tunnel test on a large thermal protection system demonstrator.
Chapter 5 describes the fl ow visualization and the proper orthogonal decomposition of aeroelastic phenomena.
Chapter 6 introduces the wind tunnel testing of pneumatic artifi cial muscles.
Chapter 7 provides the fl ow-induced vibrations and scatt ering of roof tiles by wind tunnel testing.
The text is addressed not only to researchers but also to professional engineers, engineering lecturers, and students seeking to gain bett er understanding of the current status of wind tunnels.
Through its seven chapters, the reader will have an access to a wide range of works related to wind tunnel testing.
I am extremely honored to be editing such a valuable book, which contains contributions of a selected group of researchers describing the best of their work. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of them for their outstanding chapters.
I also wish to acknowledge the InTech editorial staff , in particular Ms. Ivana Lorković, for indispensable technical assistance in book preparation and publishing.
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