05-15-2011, 10:47 PM
Microzonation for Earthquake Risk Mitigation, State of the Art Report
Author: Atilla Ansal, Mustafa Erdik and oth. | Size: 3.61 MB | Format: PDF | Year: 2004 | pages: 114
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This state -of-the art report has been undertaken within the DRM-MERM Project to define the
primary framework for the Seismic Zonation Manual, under preparation as the main output of
this project, with the aim of improving the zonation methodology in Turkey. Thus the review
of the literature has been conducted taking into consideration the state-of-the-practice in
Turkey. Even though significant effort has been made to conduct a thorough review, due to
the multi-disciplinary nature of the topic and very large numbers of papers, it would be
unrealistic to claim that all the literature on seismic microzonation and related disciplines
have been reviewed.
The purpose of this report is to review the literature to summarize the state-of-the-art and
state -of-the practice in seismic microzonation that may be considered to be composed of five
different phases as; site characterisation, evaluation of the seismic hazard; estimation of the
ground motion characteristics on the ground surface, assessment of liquefaction susceptibility,
assessment of landslide hazard. Thus in reviewing the literature each phase will be treated
separately and will be considered in sequential stages as; identification and explanation of the
process, compilation of the relevant and needed databases , analysis and interpretation of the
acquired databases. The investigations and suggestions encountered in the literature are
reviewed with the perspective of mainly offering the scientist and engineers in Turkey
information concerning all the stages of seismic microzonation. Therefore the necessary steps
in each and all seismic microzonation components will be considered in terms of consecutive
stages as; quantification of earthquake ground motion, determination of the necessary
geological and geotechnical site conditions, analyses of the available data, engineering
interpretation of the results obtained. The findings and proposals related to all these stages
will be reviewed briefly to give the reader a complete understanding of the whole process.
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