09-09-2011, 05:07 AM
Elastomer Bearing Design Spreadsheet
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Programs (Spreadsheet) for the design of elastomer bearings.
There are two programs: one for the design of laminated bearings and other for the design of plain pad bearing. In English version, program's units are: stresses in MPa; forces in kN and dimensions in mm. Programs consider horizontal loads and rotations in longitudinal direction of structure.
Laminated elastomer bearings design programs consider Euro norm standard instructions. How the results of bearing deflections may present significant variations, rotation stability is verified additionally by UIC-Code instructions and also adopted by Brazilian Standard NBR 9062 - 1985. The design of plain pad bearings consider results of Brazilian experience, complemented by EN 1337. UIC-Code an CNR (Italian Standard).
Program consider resolution of only one load condition.
Program supposes only positive vertical dead loads, positive resultant vertical loads and positive horizontal loads and displacements.
Rotations are supposed exactly with signals as given by the engineering design results.
In case of sum of rotations with opposite signals with result near zero, it is recommended consider a variation about 1,1 in major modulus rotation and 0,9 in minor modulus rotation.
The tolerance for surface leveling is 0,003 rad for pre-fabricated (steel or concrete) structures and 0,010 for cast in place structures. When bearing installation error prevision is greater than allowable tolerance, we have to add residual permanent rotation. For example, if bearing installation precision prevision under a precasted bearing is 0,010 rad, we have to consider a residual permanent rotation, in the most unfavorable sense of 0,010 rad - 0,003 rad = 0,007 rad.
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