10-17-2010, 05:39 PM
Silica Fume User's Manual
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The Silica Fume User's Manual is intended to provide practical information for individuals actually working with silica fume and silica-fume concrete. Different chapters of the Manual may be of interest to concrete specifiers, concrete producers, concrete contractors, or concrete inspectors.
Chapters 1 & 2 provide basic information explaining what silica fume is and how it is used in concrete.
Chapter 3 describes primary uses of silica fume in concrete.
Chapter 4 reviews documents available describing or specifying silica fume from ACI, ASTM, and AASHTO.
Chapter 5 presents recommendations for specifying silica fume and silica-fume concrete.
Chapter 6 presents detailed information on proportioning concrete containing silica fume for different applications.
Chapter 7 presents recommendations for working with silica fume in a concrete plant.
Chapter 8 presents recommendations for placing and finishing silica-fume concrete on bridge decks and other flat work.
Chapter 9 discusses health concerns associated with working with silica fume and presents recommendations for personal protection.
Chapter 10 is a collection of references from the other chapters.
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