03-22-2011, 02:57 AM
Seismic Design and Retrofit of Piping Systems
Author: George Antaki, Aiken, SC | Size: 2.234 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: American Lifelines Alliance (ALA) | Year: 2002 | pages: 119
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The guide addresses the seismic design of piping systems or the retrofit of existing piping systems. The purpose of seismic design or retrofit is to assure that in case of earthquake, the piping system will perform its intended function: position retention (the pipe would not fall), leak tightness (the pipe would not leak), or operability (the piping system would deliver and regulate flow).
This Guide applies to above ground piping systems, which - except for seismic design – otherwise comply with the provisions of the ASME B31 pressure piping codes for materials, design, fabrication, examination and testing. For buried piping and pipelines, the reader is referred to an earlier ALA report “Guidelines for the Design of Buried Steel Pipe”, July 2001.
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