Endnote X4 build 4845
Size: 66.2 MB
![[Image: info.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/icon/info.png)
Introducing EndNote X4
Take a deep breath and relax while EndNote X4 is hard at work connecting you to high quality resources, simplifying your collaboration with colleagues and removing the reference stress from all your research projects.
Import and Search PDFs in EndNote
EndNote X4 continues to expand PDF management by importing a file or folder of PDFs directly to your library. The basic bibliographic data is extracted for most PDFs and you can even search the contents of a PDF. Mac users have the added advantage of being able to drag a PDF file onto the EndNote icon on the Dock to add a new reference to their library. Now that’s simple.
Collaborate more with EndNote Web
Collaboration is also a cinch. You can transfer up to 10,000 references between the desktop and Web making it the easiest way to work with others on research projects. Your shared EndNote Web groups eliminate the need to move library files from computer to computer. And, you can present your personal references in ResearcherID where citation metrics are provided by the Web of KnowledgeSM.
New Cite While You Write Features
You’ll save more time using the new auto-hyperlink between in-text citations and the bibliography in EndNote X4 and Microsoft Word. And now, EndNote X4 meets the complete APA 6th style requirements as well as offering customizable short forms for footnote styles. You can access frequently used functions in one place with the combined Edit and Manage Citations command on the Word toolbar. What’s more, you will find an automatic citation report of references used in a Word document in your EndNote library.
Other new features:
Create new groups by comparing, combining and suppressing existing groups.
Modify references easily in the new Quick Edit tab on the main library window.
Edit references when comparing duplicates.
Expand your library retrieval results by adding wildcards within search terms.
Excellent software to write citations once you have a library file of your own.
![[Image: tips.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/icon/tips.png)
1. start installation. install as trial.
2. copy crack in installation folder
2. copy crack in installation folder
![[Image: Download.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/icon/Download.png)
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