The Measurement of Soil Properties in the Triaxial Test
Author: Alan W. Bishop and D. J. Henkel | Size: 7.83 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Hodder Arnold | Year: 1976 | pages: 236 | ISBN: 0713130040
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This book is therefore restricted to a treatment of the triaxial test alone, and of the ways of meeting the various problems which arise in its use in the laboratory.
It cannot be repeated too often that the results are of practical significance only if the geology of the site is understood and if the samples are truly representative of the natural strata or fill, but it is outside the scope of the present treatment to elaborate on this theme.
The book is divided into four parts (as it is as product detail, or editor reviews)....
This book is not intended to serve as a manual.
Its purpose is to explain the significant factors in the various types of triaxial test, and to draw attention to matters of PRACTICAL DETAIL WHICH EXPERIENCE HAS SHOWN TO BE IMPORTANT.
The authors have drawn primarily on the experience of the Soil Mechanics Laboratory at Imperial College...."
[from the book of the preface by A. W. B., and D. J. H., Imperial College, 1957, except the (as it is as product detail, or editor reviews)]
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