02-15-2011, 04:17 PM
BSSA Volume 101,No.1 (Feb 2011)
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1.A Revised Earthquake Chronology for the last 4,000 Years Inferred from Varve-Bounded Debris-Flow Deposits beneath an Inlet near Victoria, British Columbia
Andrée Blais-Stevens, Garry C. Rogers, and John J. Clague
2.San Andreas Fault Earthquake Chronology and Lake Cahuilla History at Coachella, California
Belle Philibosian, Thomas Fumal, and Ray Weldon
3.Episodic Behavior of the Jordan Valley Section of the Dead Sea Fault Inferred from a 14-ka-Long Integrated Catalog of Large Earthquakes
Matthieu Ferry, Mustapha Meghraoui, Najib Abou Karaki, Masdouq Al-Taj, and Lutfi Khalil
4.A Mass Failure Model for the Initial Degradation of Fault Scarps, with Application to the 1959 Scarps at Hebgen Lake, Montana
Lewis Kogan and Rebecca Bendick
5.Estimating Earthquake-Rupture Rates on a Fault or Fault System
Edward H. Field and Morgan T. Page
6.Waveform Inversion for One-Dimensional Near-Surface Structure in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
Shu-Chioung Chi Chiu and Charles A. Langston
7.Frequency-Dependent Attenuation of Body and Coda Waves in the Andaman Sea Basin
Simanchal Padhy, N. Subhadra, and J. R. Kayal
8.Effects of 2D Random Velocity Heterogeneities in the Mantle Lid and Moho Topography on Pn Geometric Spreading
Megan Avants, Thorne Lay, Xiao-Bi Xie, and Xiaoning Yang
9.Scalar Wave Equation Modeling with Time–Space Domain Dispersion-Relation-Based Staggered-Grid Finite-Difference Schemes
Yang Liu and Mrinal K. Sen
10.Model Validations and Comparisons of the Next Generation Attenuation of Ground Motions (NGA–West) Project
James Kaklamanos and Laurie G. Baise
11.Effects of Seismicity Models and New Ground-Motion Prediction Equations on Seismic Hazard Assessment for Four Canadian Cities
Gail M. Atkinson and Katsuichiro Goda
12.Probabilistic Liquefaction Hazard Analysis for Four Canadian Cities
Katsuichiro Goda, Gail M. Atkinson, Jim A. Hunter, Heather Crow, and Dariush Motazedian
13.Near-Field Across-Fault Seismic Ground Motions
Douglas Dreger, Gabriel Hurtado, Anil Chopra, and Shawn Larsen
14.A Ground-Motion Transfer Function Matrix between Two Nearby Rock and Soil Sites: A System Identification Problem
Rafael Benites and T. Grant Caldwell
15.Modeling the Joint Probability of Earthquake, Site, and Ground-Motion Parameters Using Bayesian Networks
N. M. Kuehn, C. Riggelsen, and F. Scherbaum
16.Reduced Sigma of Ground-Motion Prediction Equations through Uncertainty Propagation
Robb Eric S. Moss
17.Derivation of a Reference Shear-Wave Velocity Model from Empirical Site Amplification
Valerio Poggi, Benjamin Edwards, and Donat Fäh
18.Nonlinear Site Response in Medium Magnitude Earthquakes near Parkfield, California
Justin L. Rubinstein
19.A Study of Horizontal-to-Vertical Component Spectral Ratio in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
Arash Zandieh and Shahram Pezeshk
20.Short-Term Earthquake Forecasting Using Early Aftershock Statistics
Peter Shebalin, Clément Narteau, Matthias Holschneider, and Danijel Schorlemmer
21.Stress and Seismicity Changes on the Sunda Megathrust Preceding the 2007 Mw 8.4 Earthquake
Kelly Wiseman and Roland Bürgmann
22.The Dallas–Fort Worth Earthquake Sequence: October 2008 through May 2009
Cliff Frohlich, Chris Hayward, Brian Stump, and Eric Potter
23.Location of Seismic Signals Associated with Microearthquakes and Rockfalls on the Séchilienne Landslide, French Alps
P. Lacroix and A. Helmstetter
24.The Effectiveness of a Distant Accelerometer Array to Compute Seismic Source Parameters: The April 2009 L’Aquila Earthquake Case History
Nils Maercklin, Aldo Zollo, Antonella Orefice, Gaetano Festa, Antonio Emolo, Raffaella De Matteis, Bertrand Delouis, and Antonella Bobbio
25.Moment-Tensor Determination by Nonlinear Inversion of Amplitudes
Maxime Godano, Thomas Bardainne, Marc Regnier, and Anne Deschamps
26.The Magnitude Conversion Problem: Further Insights
Rolf Gutdeutsch, Silvia Castellaro, and Diethelm Kaiser
27.The Effects of Double Fault Bends on Rupture Propagation: A Geometrical Parameter Study
Julian C. Lozos, David D. Oglesby, Benchun Duan, and Steven G. Wesnousky
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