Directions in strong motion Instrumentation
Author: Polat Gülkan and John G. Anderson | Size: 11 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: Springer | Year: 2005 | pages: 315 | ISBN: 139781402038129
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58 participants met under a workshop sponsored by NATO under Science for Peace Project SfP977484 during May 17-21, 2004. The participants included a selection of leaders in the field of strong motion seismology and instrumentation and response of structures to strong shaking. The state of the art in ground motion observation systems and the future directions in the field were discussed at the workshop.
Outstanding problems for strong motion instrumentation identified at this workshop include:
1.the need for records of strong shaking very close to the causative fault for earthquakes of all mechanisms; to use simple observations of the geology and geophysics at a site to significantly reduce the uncertainties in ground motion
prediction; obtain records of structural degradation during a strong earthquake; understand extreme ground motions and to reduce the uncertainties in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
5.the need for blind predictions to validate methods of ground motion prediction, basin response prediction, and structural response modeling.
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