![[Image: twotyxxlf0xx5hf8nd5u.jpg]](
Traditional concrete designs for office building have been associated with either beam and slab or flat slab floors, typically with 6 to 7.5 m spans. Occasionally, longer-span floors have been designed using ribbed or waffle construction. In recent times, changes in the requirements of end-users and in developers’ specifications have led to more open-plan offices and larger floors. This has increased spans from 6 to 9 m, even to 15 m and more.
To verify the competitiveness of concrete long-span floors, a survey has been conducted of concrete-framed office buildings, the majority constructed in recent years. Forty buildings of in situ, precast and composite construction with long spans have been surveyed. In each category, examples were found of floors designed in reinforced and prestressed concrete to carry similar office
floor loadings.
For in situ structures, solid flat slabs and ribbed slab designs were common, with spans varying from 6 to 15 m. A number of precast structures with long spans, some over 20 m, are reported, with composite in situ slabs acting with precast ribs or other precast members.
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