12-18-2010, 11:56 AM
EN 2243 Non-metallic materials - Structural adhesives - Test method
Author: Subcommittee ACE/65/-/63 | Size: 1.5 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CEN
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EN 2243-1:2005
Aerospace series - Non-metallic materials - Structural adhesives - Test method - Part 1: Single lap shear
The objective of this standard is to establish the test methods for defining the strength of suitable structural adhesives in metal to metal single lap shear, at ambient and other temperatures.
EN 2243-2:2005
Aerospace series - Non-metallic materials - Structural adhesives - Test method - Part 2: Peel metal-metal
This standard defines the general requirements for the determination of strength of structural adhesives by testing in peel metal to metal joints, at ambient or other temperatures.
This method is not suitable for adhesives having an average peeling strength of less than 30 N per 25 mm.
EN 2243-3:2005
Aerospace series - Non-metallic materials - Structural adhesives - Test method - Part 3: Peeling test metal-honeycomb core
This standard defines the general requirements for the determination of strength of structural adhesives by testing in peel metal to honeycomb core joints, at ambient or other temperatures.
EN 2243-4:2005
Aerospace series - Non-metallic materials - Structural adhesives - Test method - Part 4: Metal-honeycomb core flatwise tensile test
This standard defines the general requirements for the determination of strength of structural adhesives by testing in tension metal to honeycomb core joints, at ambient or other temperatures.
Two types of test pieces are defined:
Type A: direct bonding of honeycomb to facing blocks;
Type B: bonding of honeycomb between the two facing sheets, then bonding of the whole to the facing blocks.
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