Mechanical Properties of Polymers and Composites
Author: LAWRENCE E.NIELSEN, ROBERT LANDEL | Size: 2.6 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: CRC Press | Year: 1993 | pages: 550 | ISBN: 9780824789640
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This text, now in its second edition, offers an up-to-date, expanded treatment of the behaviour of polymers with regard to material variables and test and use conditions. It highlights general principles, useful empirical rules and practical equations.;Detailing the specific behaviour of many common polymers, the text: places emphasis on time and frequency dependence over temperature dependence; uses contemporary molecular mechanisms to explain creep, stress relaxation, constant strain rate responses and crazing; provides explicit equations to predict responses; supplies a discussion of large deformation multiaxial responses; compares statistical and continuum theories on the same data set; and updates stress-strain behaviour and particulate filled systems.
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