12-06-2010, 04:08 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-06-2010, 07:27 AM by Dell_Brett.)
The 3rd ASIA Conference on Earthquake Engineering-Proceedings
Size: 83.7 MB | Format: RTF | Publisher: ACEE 2010 | Year: 2010
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This year 2010, ACEE with its theme “Disaster Risk Reduction and Capacity Building for Safer Environments”, will cover a wide variety of topics related to Earthquake Engineering. ACEE 2010 will provide an excellent forum to bring together researchers, professionals, engineers, scientists and academicians to promote and exchange new ideas and experiences in the broad fields of seismology, earthquake engineering, seismic risk and disaster mitigation. ACEE-2010 will prove to be a truly international event with the participants, keynote speakers and attendees coming from all parts of Asia and the world to brainstorm, share expertise and collaborate in areas of mutual interests.
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