11-23-2010, 09:11 PM
Author: C H Goodchild | Size: 11.9 MB | Format: PDF | Publisher: British Cement Association | Year: 1995 | pages: 67 | ISBN: 721014798
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Hybrid concrete construction is essentially the combination of in-situ concrete with precast concrete, steelwork or other materials. It provides simple, buildable and competitive high-quality structures that offer consistent performance.
This publication illustrates in-situ concrete, precast concrete, steelwork and other materials working together in building structures. It shows how the benefits of each material have been harnessed to produce hybrid concrete solutions that suited particular sets of circumstances. The examples show how hybrid concrete construction can provide economy, speed, flexibility and buildability while giving high-quality and aesthetically pleasing buildings. Many contemporary buildings are hybrids of different materials; indeed reinforced concrete is a hybrid of concrete and steel.
Current trends in building point towards more prefabrication, more efficiency, reduced site activity, and safer and faster construction, Owners and tenants are demanding higher quality, with lower costs and reduced maintenance. Designers, striving to achieve these goals, will become even more aware of the implications of their designs in terms of buildability and total costs, and materials will be used to better advantage. Concrete hybrid structures and hybrid elements will become more common as their potential is realized and familiarity grows.
Many precast and in-situ concrete hybrids have been developed overseas and are commonplace abroad. Although some ideas have emanated from the UK and have been used here, others from around the world are worthy of much fuller exploitation in this country. For example, few composite steel-frame buildings had been built here before the beginning of the 1980s. Now most steel frames are designed as composites of structural steel and in-situ concrete, using technology originally imported from the USA.
Hybrid concrete construction is not a panacea for all situations but should be considered as one of the basic frame options for achieving speed and quality at minimum cost.
This publication aims to provide a source of inspiration, offering a multitude of ideas that can be adapted and improved upon in better buildings for the future.
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