Saudi Aramco Desktop Standards June 2006
Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards (SAES) are standards, approved by Saudi Aramco Management, that establish minimum requirements for the selection, design, construction, test, maintenance, and repair of equipment and facilities. The requirements in these standards are mandatory and apply Company-wide. All capital, non-capital and expense projects under the control of Engineering and Operations Services are required to use SAESs in effect on the Project Proposal's approval date. (See SAEP-14 for more information on Project Proposals.) Maintenance projects and all other work performed without Project Proposals are required to meet the SAESs in effect when the work is authorized. Permission to deviate from these requirements must follow the procedures of SAEP-302, Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement.
Saudi Aramco Materials Systems Specifications (SAMSS) are specifications, approved by Saudi Aramco Management, that establish minimum engineering, design, fabrication,
and testing requirements for the procurement of material and equipment. The requirements in these specifications are mandatory and apply Company-wide in the procurement of material and equipment. SAMSS are written to be attached to purchase requisitions (PR), requests for quotation (RFQ), or purchase orders (PO). Specifiers should not extract portions of SAMSS documents, nor write new specifications to procure material or equipment already included within the Scope of approved SAMSSs. Permission to deviate from these requirements must follow the procedures of SAEP-302, Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement".
Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedures (SAEPs) have been established as a uniform method of assembling directions to accomplish various engineering activities. These procedures have been approved by Saudi Aramco Management, and provide instructions for the activity and set responsibilities for accomplishing it. SAEPs are mandatory and apply on a Company-wide basis.
Saudi Aramco Inspection Procedures (SAIPs) have been established to provide a uniform and standardized method of performing specific inspection activities. These procedures have been approved by the Inspection Department Manager, and provide the direction and responsibilities necessary to complete the specific functions.
A SAIP is an instructional document that will aid the Saudi Aramco inspector in examining, testing and documenting the ongoing inspections or repairs of existing facilities, as well as new construction projects. The inspector should be familiar with the scope, content and application of the SAIP related to his functional responsibilities.
The Form 175 Inspection Requirements were developed to promote this assurance by condensing the inspection and test particulars of mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirements. These forms are used to specify the minimum required quality, certification, and verification for the purchase of all engineering material and equipment. The design of the Form 175 is flexible to allow adding unique requirements. Where this is necessary, prepare a Form 175 "Special", and include in the requisition package.
Also includes the following:
Saudi Aramco Best Practices (SABPs)
Saudi Aramco Engineering Reports (SAERs)
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