Wind Turbines: Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics
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Author: Erich Hau
Springer - 2005
ISBN: 3540242406
Pdf file format - 783 pages - 61,1 MB
(High quality)
Very complete book, with important information about foundation loads and more.
Wind Turbines addresses all those professionally involved in research, development, manufacture and operation of wind turbines. It provides a cross-disciplinary overview of modern wind turbine technology and an orientation in the associated technical, economic and environmental fields. It is based on the author's experience gained over decades designing wind energy converters with a major industrial manufacturer and, more recently, in technical consulting and in the planning of large wind park installations, with special attention to economics. The second edition accounts for the emerging concerns over increasing numbers of installed wind turbines. In particular, an important new chapter has been added which deals with offshore wind utilization. All advanced chapters have been extensively revised and in some cases considerably extended.
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