09-18-2010, 08:36 AM
Intel Math Kernel Library v10.2.6.037
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Intel® Math Kernel Library (Intel® MKL) is a library of highly optimized, extensively threaded math routines for science, engineering, and financial applications that require maximum performance. Core math functions include BLAS, LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, Sparse Solvers, Fast Fourier Transforms, Vector Math, and more. Offering performance optimizations for current and next-generation Intel® processors, it includes improved integration with Microsoft Visual Studio*, Eclipse*, and XCode*. Intel MKL allows for full integration of the Intel Compatibility OpenMP* run-time library for greater Windows*/Linux* cross-platform compatibility.
Intel MKL provides extremely well-tuned BLAS and LAPACK implementations that deliver significant performance leadership over alternative math libraries.
Intel MKL includes a highly optimized version of ScaLAPACK on clusters and delivers significant performance improvements over the NETLIB* implementation.
Fast Fourier Transforms and Cluster FFT
Intel MKL Fast Fourier Transforms are highly optimized and provide significant performance gains over alternative libraries for medium and large transform sizes. FFTW interface wrappers are included. Support for distributed memory systems (clusters) is included with Cluster FFT.
Sparse Solvers
The library includes both direct and iterative sparse solvers:
Direct solvers - PARDISO: A threaded, high-performance, memory efficient solver for large sparse linear systems of equations. Includes support for out-of-core memory.
Iterative solvers - FGMRES* and Conjugate Gradient Solvers: FMGRES adds the capability to solve general sparse systems of linear equations while the Conjugate Gradient solver solves symmetric positive-definite systems
Optimized LINPACK benchmark
The Intel MKL package includes an optimized implementation of the LINPACK benchmark which is easy to run on any Intel architecture platform and provides the best performance on the latest Intel processors, getting close to the maximum Gflops supported by the underlying platform.
Vector Math Library
Intel MKL provides vector implementations of computationally intensive core mathematical functions.
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