07-30-2010, 01:54 PM
Bentley Cadastre v8i (SELECT series 1) (Trial)
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Bentley Cadastre is an add-on application for Bentley Map designed to develop and maintain cadastral fabrics. Bentley Cadastre uses XFM for property creation, storage and retrieval, and provides a front end to Oracle Connector for storing, retrieving, and maintaining area topologies and spatial components in an Oracle database.
Bentley Cadastre is an efficient application for creating, maintaining, and analyzing land information. It can address any type of land management requirement, including parcel management and taxation, agricultural land management, easement and right-of-way maintenance. For parcel or cadastre management, it mirrors real world workflows for data capture and manipulation, resulting in a rigorous, accurate cadastral fabric. A truly universal product that can be easily adapted to standards around the world, Bentley Cadastre provides example XML schemas and data in both North American and European formats
Installed in Microstation
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If you like it, it is strongly suggested you buy it to support the developers.
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