Transmission of prestress by bond - fib internal report
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"Transmission of prestress by bond " - 37 pag.
fib Internal Report of TG9.4 to Commission 9
Prof. Dr. Ir. A.S.G. Bruggeling
It is shown that since the production of precast pre-tensioned concrete elements started more than 50 years ago, no one ever succeeded yet in the determination of the real transmission length nor in obtaining adequate measures to control it, due to the quality of the production. A study of existing standards confirms these arrears.
A simple method of determining the transmission length is introduced. That method is suitable for the determination of tensile stresses in tendons as well as bond stresses along the transmission zone. It is especially useful in the case of very short transmission lengths that can be found in high strength concrete and in use of tendons made of aramid or carbon fibres. In research projects, but also in quality management of the manufacturing process of precast pre-tensioned units, this method is likely to open new opportunities.
Practical problems of determining the way of transmission of the prestressing force into the surrounding concrete are seen to play a dominant role.
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