Groundwater (Resource Evaluation, Augmentation, Contamination, Restoration, Modeling and Management)
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(Resource Evaluation, Augmentation, Contamination, Restoration, Modeling and Management)
Edited by: M. Thangarajan
Publishers: Springer (2007)
Pages: 362 (PDF)
ISBN 9781402057281 (HB)
ISBN 9781402057298 (e-book)
The demand for water resources is increasing day by day due to ever increasing population, mostly from developing countries. This has resulted in abstracting more water from the subsurface stratum and forcing the water managers to manage the limited groundwater resources in a more scientific way, which in turn needs a more sophisticated way of assessing the underground resource and manage it optimally. There is an urgent need to locate high yielding oreholes in the hard rock region by using geophysical methods. Electrical imaging technique in conjunction with remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) technique has proved to be a potential tool for the purpose.
Hydrodynamics of fractured aquifer system in hard rock region is not yet fully understood. The understanding of the groundwater pollution migration in porous and fractured aquifer system and the seawater intrusion in the coastal aquifer has to be improved further. Various aspects of groundwater modeling and in particular issues related to model calibration, validation and prediction has to be understood in much better way. One should integrate all the above issues for effective understanding of the assessment and management of groundwater resources.
Groundwater management needs assessment, which in turn needs a model. A model needs a set of mathematical equations to describe the system. The equations have to be solved through a set of characteristic parameters, initial and boundary conditions of the aquifer system, which in turn have to be obtained through field investigations. Field investigations need a set of procedures, which in turn needs guidelines to carry out field investigations. This book may provide the needed guidelines and answers for all the above.
The aim of the book is to provide theoretical background on the application of remote sensing and GIS techniques in the delineation of subsurface resources as described in Chapter 1. Chapter 2 discusses the principles of electrical resistivity and imaging (tomography) techniques in the identification of potential boreholes in hard rock region. Principles of pumping test analysis and interpretation of data to evolve aquifer parameters transmissivity ‘T’ and storativity ‘S’ through numerical technique have been brought out in Chapter 3. Basic principles and the application of theory of regionalized variables (Geostatistics-Kriging) for the interpolation of sparse hydro-geological data and its estimation error have been stressed in Chapter 4. Augmentation of groundwater resources through aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) along with the quality problem due to reaction of rocks and injection fluid is dealt in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 deals with the environmental problem. The sources and the process of fluoride and arsenic contamination have been brought out clearly in this article. Chapter 7 deals with the characterization of fracture properties in hard rock areas through hydrogeological investigation at different scales. Amethodology was evolved to delineate the vertical distribution of conductivefracture zones and their permeability through flowmeter vertical profiles during fluid injection and evolving the spatial distribution of permeability by making use of slug test data. The above methodology was tested in Maheswaram watershed, a hard rock region in Andhra Pradesh (India). Groundwater flow and mass transport modeling play a major role in the assessment and management of groundwater resources. Modeling principles and various types of models, which are in vogue for various applications are presented in Chapter 8. An exclusive chapter on the model calibration and issues related to validation, sensitivity analysis, post-audit, uncertainty evaluation and assessment of prediction data needs is also presented.
Groundwater development and management of coastal and island aquifers through field investigations and mathematical modeling is brought out in Chapter 10. Basic principles of SUTRA (USGS) finite element model are also highlighted. The management of groundwater resources through community participation approach and some aspects of remedial
measures of contaminated aquifer may provide some insight to the groundwater professionals, which form the Chapter 11.
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