Design and construction of deep basements including cut-and-cover structures (2004)
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Publisher: Institution of Structural Engineers.
Ref. Number 343. A4, 86 pages, 80 illustrations. June 2002. ISBN 0 901297 23 2
The purpose of this comprehensive report is to draw attention to the key aspects of the design and construction of deep basements and to provide some examples of case histories and construction methods.
The design and construction of a deep basement is an exercise in ground-structure interaction.
It requires all the traditional skills of the engineer including: reliance on observation and measurement; an understanding of both geotechnical and construction materials; an appreciation of the effects of groundwater and seepage; the development of appropriate conceptual and analytical models; and above all, judgement based on knowledge of case histories and construction methods.
Perhaps the overall message must be that, in a subject as complex and wide-ranging as this, there can be no short cut to an in-depth understanding of the many specialist aspects.
An overall conceptual understanding, however, can and must be developed; this report will assist in achieving this.
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