3D Pushover of Irregular Reinforced Concrete Buildings
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Seismic response of irregular plan buildings can be assessed by using tyme history analysis: however, this process is, in general, lengthy and has to be repeated many times to have a wide set of results that could represent the performance of the system facing any seismic excitation. Obviously, such procedure may take up considerable time before significant and useful data is obtained in the analysis of an irregular system: therefore, some other procedures, less time consuming and equally reliable, have been developed, one of them is the pushover analysis. Pushover is a tool that is widely used to predicted the strenght and response of 2D frames.
Currently, in this research, the methodology is extended to assess the performance of 3D irregular RC structures. Important issues regarding diaphragm effects, direction of load application, loading profiles and arrangement of the incremental dynamic analysis results have been studied: in addition, the capability of adaptive pushover has ben tried. Two RC irregular buildings and six earthquake ground motions were employed throughout the research. From the processing of the above information preliminary conclusions are drawn and future lines of research are proposed.
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