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Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTSeries 6)

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Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the V8i (SELECTSeries 6) version of STAAD.Pro - allows structural engineers to analyze and design virtually any type of structure through its flexible modeling environment, advanced features and fluent data collaboration.

This new release has been designed around enhancing the user experience of our leading general analysis and design application and still continue to expand on the technical capabilities that are the basis of the programs continuing popularity.

The following outlines some of the key developments that have been introduced with this goal in mind.

New STAAD Editor

The Editor in STAAD.Pro has been a mainstay of the STAAD.Pro modelling environment, providing a parallel method for defining and tweaking the data file in order to ensure the data matches each user’s specific needs. This has a basic set of capabilities for colour coding the text to help identify comments and key words.

With SS6 we have providing a far more comprehensive new editor which now provides the following:

- Outline View, gives quick access to key features in the data structure
- IntelliSense, commands are more than colour codes, but as you type, a knowledge of the data structure means you are given assistance in completing the command
- Text Blocking and bookmarking, allows large chunks of the file to be hidden to allow quicker navigation through the data.
- Database Link, gives direct access to the profile databases so that the correct names of profiles can be selected.
- Add repetitive command blocks using code snippets
- Context sensitive help, means that you can quickly investigate requirements of commands simply by clicking F1.

New Building Planner Mode

With the popularity of STAAD.Pro as the analysis tool for the design of so many concrete buildings in India where STAAD Planwin is used for modelling and RCDC used for the design, we have taken this process and built it directly into STAAD.Pro. This allows buildings to be quickly defined in a new modelling mode, using a set of regular plans that are constructed into a building form, analysed and the key concrete components then designed and detailed using RCDC.
Note that currently this is following the design requirements to the IS456 design code.

New Mode Bar

With the addition of the new Building Planner Mode, it was clear that we need to add clarity to the Mode Bar used to identify the different key segments of the programme. The change is subtle, but provides extra clarity. The Modes have been re-ordered into groups to better reflect recognised workflows and using colour to help identify similar capabilities

Design Codes

We have continued to add more design capabilities for both steel and concrete modules and enhance some of the others currently in use to provide greater scope:

- CAN CSA S16-14. This new steel design capability has been added to the Canadian CSA specifications
- SANS 10162-1:2011. Design to the South African steel code of practice for the structural use of steel, part 1. Limit states design of hot rolled steelwork.
- AISC 360. Both versions of the US steel code, 2005 and 2010 have been enhanced to report the designs in metric as well as imperial units and now supports the design of web tapered sections.
- AISC 341. The seismic provisions of this code can be added to the checks performed during designs to the AISC 360 code, accounting for the seismic classification, flexural strength based on frame type, and bracing requirements.
- ACI 318-11. Now supports the 2011 version of this code in the batch processing module. (Inclusion of this in the Concrete Design Mode will follow later)
- AIJ Steel Design codes have been updated to support the specific requirements for the Japanese designers who sometimes need to consider design of the Von Mises stresses without inclusion of torsion stresses. Additionally making the designs more conservative by reducing the effective area for bending.
Eurocode 3 steel design options have been enhanced with support of a much increased set of available steel grades.
- SP 63.13330-12 concrete design to the Russian specification has been added to account for the actualized version of the SP 52 code.

Rebuilt Advanced Analysis Solver

A complete redesign and restructuring of the solution algorithm in the Advanced Analysis solution (Advanced Math Solver) can result in a noticeable performance boost with some of the more complex models used with STAAD.Pro. Also the implementation of a Ritz Vector Method eigen extraction can provide improved dynamic analysis solutions when dealing with large numbers of modes.
Additionally the seismic loading defined in the IBC 2012/ASCE 7 2010 can be assigned as either response spectra or using the equivalent static seismic method.

Fixes and updates

Overall there are almost 200 issues addressed in this new release. 100 of them alone are modifications made in the analysis and design engine that results in giving you the most robust solution to date. To discover the details of every one of these updates refer to the Revision History document that is published with STAAD.Pro in the ReadMe documentation.

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Dear er.shyams ,

Thanks for your posting.

Would it be possible for you to post the medicine separately? That way one who has the installer file wouldn't have to download the whole package to save data usage.

best regards.
Bentley has posted an amendment to Staad.Pro installer posted above as there as some reports the new Editor has bugs. You can download the corrections and instructions here:
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Dear sherkhan,
The patch for Staad Pro select series 5 (SS5)  works for this 6 (SS6) as well. however you need to do a small workaround. after installation rename the installed folder from SProv8i SS6 to SProV8i ss5, since the patch will recognize ss5 folder. run the medicine and then you may rename the folder back to SS6.
Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 version

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Bentley Systems Inc., the leading company dedicated to providing comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure, has released the V8i (SELECTSeries 6) version of STAAD.Pro is allows structural engineers to analyze and design virtually any type of structure through its flexible modeling environment, advanced features and fluent data collaboration.

As you may well be aware, we here at Bentley has been undergoing a major initiative to implement an exciting new technology in which we can provide a better collaborative experience for individuals and organizations. This has been delivered as Bentley CONNECT and many products across Bentley have been rebuilt around that technology and are being released with the Bentley CONNECT branding. Whilst STAAD.Pro has not undergone the full transformation to become a CONNECTED application, we have implemented the key capability of including STAAD.Pro models with a CONNECTED project.


Bentley CONNECT helps you produce better designs by facilitating collaboration, interoperability, standardization and skills development. For an organization and enterprise, CONNECT provides greater insight and control over project design, deliverables and the people working on them.


With a STAAD.Pro model in a CONNECTED Project, means that your team are better positioned to track the development and performance of a project.

Personal Portal

Within STAAD.Pro you can access your personal portal providing details of your projects, learning and your own Personal Share folder, a cloud based repository form iModels and PDFs created from a range of Bentley applications including the Structural Synchroniser.

Advanced Analysis Plus

The capabilities previously included in the STAAD Advanced Analysis module have been replaced by the STAAD Advanced Analysis Plus module. This delivers all the capabilities in the older product which has been withdrawn, but is the basis upon which new advanced capabilities are being developed and will be delivered in the future.

Revision History

No additional features have been added to the program, however a number of issues found in the earlier releases and have been addressed. For details of the issues see the revision history document here.

About Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive architecture and engineering software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Founded in 1984, Bentley has nearly 3,000 colleagues in more than 45 countries, $500 million in annual revenues, and, since 2001, has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

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Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i SS6 version

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Bentley STAAD.Pro V8i (SELECTSeries 6)

Size: 705 MB

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What's New in STAAD.Pro V8i SS6, Build ( 03 December 2015)
Issues addressed in:- •(A) The Analysis/Design engine (22)
•(B) The Pre-Processing Mode (05)
•© The Post-Processing Mode (02)
•(D) The Steel Design Mode (00)
•(E) The Concrete Design Mode (00)
•(F) The RAM Connection Mode (00)
•(G) The Advanced Slab Design Mode (00)
•(H) The Piping Mode (00)
•(I) The Editor, Viewer and other modules (00)
•(J) OpenSTAAD (00)
•(K) Documentation and Printing (05)
•(L) licensing / security / installation (01)

(A) Issues addressed in the Analysis/Design engine (22)

A) 01 The AISC 360 steel design routines have been updated to address an issue if the first member of the design is a member specified with a MEMBER TRUSS specification and the group of members being designed included a taper member. This was causing the taper member design routines to fail.

A) 02 The IS456/IS13920 concrete beam design routine has been corrected to ensure that the design uses the correct design moments when the command TORSION 1 has been specified. Note the following a) In an IS456/IS13920 concrete beam design, the design bending moment considered at given section is calculated by summing two moments : Mz + an equivalent bending moment derived from Mx, calculated as per the code and b) The torsional moment not only increases the design bending moment, but also the requirement of stirrups. The command TORSION 1 is an instruction to for the design to ignore the effect of torsion. Whilst this was implemented in step b) it was still calculating the additional moment in step a). Now if the TORSION 1 command is specified both parts are ignored.

A) 03 The routine to process a SELFWEIGHT command has been updated to address an issue which would occur if a member list is assigned to the command which would result in the analysis crashing during the processing of this command.

A) 04 The analysis engine has been updated top correct a recent change in the processing of the path of an external User Provided Table which was causing the analysis engine to fail to find the UPT and result in an error being reported and the analysis failing to complete.

A) 05 The member section stresses for a user table wide flange profile where both flanges were defined with the same dimensions were incorrectly reported. The section forces were reported correctly, but incorrectly converted into stress values. Note that this issue was only a problem in the values reported in the output file, it did not affect the stresses reported in the Post Processing mode.

A) 06 The displacement results of an advanced cable analysis have been updated for models that include the CHANGE command.

A) 07 The design of double angle sections to IS 800:2007 has been updated to correct the calculation of shear area that were not checking for the connected leg.

A) 08 An issue with extracting the eigen modes has been addressed which manifest itself with duplication in reported modes. This has been adressed by displaying a warning if duplicate modes are generated and a new command nas been added SET EIGEN CONVERGENCE TOLERANCE 'n', where 'n' is a positive integer which is used to to determine the tolerance and which is set to 1.0e-n. The default is 6 (i.e. a tolernace setting of 1.0e-6). By increasing the value of 'n', it should be possible to eliminate duplicate modes.

A) 09 The floor loading command has been corrected to ensure that the distribution is managed correctly when using any length unit.

A) 10 The routine that calculates the section forces with the command PRINT MAXFORCE ENVELOPE has been corrected to prevent the command from causing the analysis to crash.

A) 11 The analysis engine has been updated to ensure that if it is encountering a problem with available memory on the system while calculating member section forces, the message that is reported in the output file correctly reflects the nature of the issue being faced.

A) 12 The output for an AISC 360-10 design code check specified with a TRACK 2 option, has been slightly modified by providing clearer section headings.

A) 13 The Indian steel design IS 800:2007 has been updated to ensure that the parameter CAN is processed, i.e. to treat the member as a cantilever. Addressed in Build but not documented

A) 14 The FLOOR LOAD specified with the INCLINED option was failing to identify a panel to load with the internal precision of 0.01% of the maximum span of the panel. This now includes an additional test of 0.1 inch.

A) 15 The ACI 318 column design routines have been updated to improve the interaction check which is designed for bi-axial moments. If the design moments about either the Y or Z axes are very small (i.e. < 10e-3 kip-in), then this could have resulted in the capacity for that axis not to be calculated and the equation fail with a divide by zero error. This would have caused the analysis to crash. Now, this part of the interaction equation is explicitly set to zero. This was addressed in build, but not documented.

A) 16 The ACI 318 column design routines have been updated to address an issue when the column is subject to very small axial loads. This was resulting in a negative required steel area. This should then result in the assignment of the minimum steel area which was not occurring. This modification was introduced in build, but not documented.

A) 17 The analysis engine has been updated to catch a limitation with the Master/Slave command in that it is currently not possible to have a node on a solid entity as a slave node. Previously this would have caused the analysis to crash. Now this situation is captured, the analysis is terminated and an error reported in the output file. This issue was addressed in, but not documented.

A) 18 The ACI 318 column design routine has been updated to ensure that when both the axial load and bending moments are small, the routine to check that sufficient steel has been provided completes the check for the full range of possible steel percentages. A fix provided in build meant that this routine ended prematurely and resulted providing insufficient reinforcement.

A) 19 The oneway floor load distribution routine has been updated such that if the panel in which the load in defined is square, unless a specific direction is given, this load will generate a 2 way distribution on the perimeter members. Previously this would have resulted in no load being generated on those members. This is supported with a warning message in the output file.

A) 20 A change in the compiler used to create the STAAD.Pro analysis engine in the SS6 release has resulted in User Tables with a space in the filename/path not being processed. This resulted in an error message being displayed and the analysis terminated. These files are now processed. Note also the GUI has also been updated to ensure that it handles such files with double quote marks ("...") around the filename/path.

A) 21 The analysis engine has been updated to ensure that if a REFERENCE load case is defined including multiple SELFWEIGHT commands with named member list parameters, the lists are now handled correctly, which previously caused the analysis to crash.

A) 22 The intermediate axial forces have been corrected for models which include two or more analysis commands each followed by a CHANGE command and steel design checks follows immediately after CHANGE command. This resulted in the intermediate axial forces being reported with clearly incorrect values.

(B) Issues addressed in the Pre-Processing Mode (05)

B) 01 The method used by the GUI to determine the screen size and thus display a warning if inadequate has been updated to use the details of the screen that the application has been launched which benefits users who use the computer connected to multiple monitors of varying resolution.

B) 02 The dimensions of 4 CHS sections in the European hot rolled steel database were set to zero, these have been corrected.

B) 03 The GUI has been updated to improve handling models with more than 65537 objects assigned a given combined profile and material combination (i.e. Property reference). Such models were being saved without the full assignment of properties. This has now been addressed and this limit has been removed.

B) 04 The routine used to determine the intersection of crossing members within a given tolerance has been updated to allow for negative values in the routine which otherwise fail to catch some intersections.

B) 05 The Canadian steel database has been updated with plastic properties for the channel sections in the C and MC tables. These are not published values and have been calculated using the section geometry.

© Issued Addressed in the Post-Processing Mode (02)

C) 01 The graphs of members defined with the TRUSS specification have been updated to ensure that the values at intermediate locations are displayed.

C) 02 The post processing of the results for steel designs to the AISC 360-05/10, CSA S16/09/14 and IS 800 codes has been updated to ensure that if deflection parameters are defined, but no explicit serviceability envelope defined, the results might include a reference to a rogue deflection check. Note that this issue did not affect the results in the output file.

(D) Issues Addressed in the Steel Design Mode (00)


(E) Issues Addressed in the Concrete Design Mode (00)


(F) Issues Addressed in the RAM Connection Mode (00)


(G) Issues Addressed in the Advanced Slab Design Mode (00)


(H) Issues Addressed in the Piping Mode (00)


(I) Issues Addressed in the Editor, Viewer and other modules (00)


(J) Issues Addressed in OpenSTAAD (00)


(K) Issues Addressed with Documentation and Printing (05)

K) 01 The Eurocode 8 Response Spectrum documentation has been updated to clarify the ground acceleration term Alpha.

K) 02 The documentation for Verification Examples, Plate/Shell Elements, Static Element 8 has been updated to clarify the problem.

K) 03 The Technical Reference Manual section 5.37.8 Geometric Nonlinear Analysis has been updated to clarify the correct use of the geometric stiffness flag KG.

K) 04 The Technical Reference Manual section Element Load Specification - Plates, has been updated to clarify the correct specification for pressure loads perpendicular to the surface of the plate is:- element-list PRESSURE p1 (x1 y1 x2 y2).

K) 05 The International Design Codes manual has been updated to include the option of a value 2 for the specification SBLT to indicate the section being fabricated from a cold formed process.

(L) Issues Addressed with licensing / security / installation (01)

L) 01 Roaming Project Settings have been added to allow models to have the default configurations unified with CONNECT Project. Three capabilities have been introduced and avalilable from the File>Configuration dialog in a new Project Profile sheet.
    1) Create CONNECTED Project profiles. A feature typically used by the project manager, this collates the current set of configuration settings and produces a zip file, located in the folder c:/Users/(current user)/App Data/Local/Bentley/Engineering/STAAD.Pro V8i SS6. This can be uploaded to the CONNECT Project Portal using the 'Application Settings' on the website of the project. These settings will be used by any model that is set to use this project and has the option 'Use Roaming Profiles' checked.
    2) Use Roaming Profiles. Typically used by any design team member working on a CONNECTED project. When this is set, then any model associated with a CONNECTED project will obtain the assigned settings for the project that has been uploaded by the project manager as defined above.
    3) Detemine the default CONNECT project to pre-select a project in the Project Chooser dialog when associating a STAAD.Pro model with a CONNECTED project.

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