Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Windows 7 or vista..?
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I have all the three systems lately. To me, it all depends upon how much you in to tweaking your systems. I have tweaked all the three and they all run perfectly without any issue until now.

However, just to be on the cool side, you may go with Win 7. As far for the compatability issues with old 16 and 32 bit on my 64 bit Win 7, I have also installed Win XP Professional inside an Oracle VM Virtual Box which comes as an open source and so free. No problems running Bentley WaterGEMS and Hammer inside it.


I have all the three systems lately. To me, it all depends upon how much you in to tweaking your systems. I have tweaked all the three and they all run perfectly without any issue until now.

However, just to be on the cool side, you may go with Win 7. As far for the compatability issues with old 16 and 32 bit on my 64 bit Win 7, I have also installed Win XP Professional inside an Oracle VM Virtual Box which comes as an open source and so free. No problems running Bentley WaterGEMS and Hammer inside it.

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