I am six months into owning a (pretty nice) new PC with Vista and I had been reading so many negative things beforehand that I was very nervous I was heading for a bomb. I do buy PC's thinking ahead and I did this time also (I like a powerful, fast machine). I didn't have one problem at all with Vista. I now have the service pack two and just felt like some low-operating PC owners were sending horror stories over the web that just showed the weakness of their machine, not the OS. I had XP before and was very pleased but am really impressed with Vista now that I have it.
I switched all of our company pc'es to windows 7 as soon as it was out. I ran the RC for a long time and I have not seen too many bugs and that made me consider deploying it. Now since we use 64 bit architecture on all the PC'es we use the 64 bit version of Windows 7 and that works nice with all the software. IT is also enjoyable to have the XP mode for applications that you might need to run in XP only and most of the time I use it to deploy portable versions of some software that cannot be installed in 7 but that can be run once virtualized.
And now since Autodesk came out with their 64 bit version for Civil 3D I think I can use all my resources.
Believe me .. Go for Windows 7
The best in windows.
Windows 7!!
Without any doubt. I have old computer that was assembled for XP, but he is working even better with Win 7.
+ for Windows 7 also is the Windows XP mode - if there are some programms (usually all the good engineering softs) that won't be working on Windows 7 or Windows Vista, they will work on XP mode. Read more in the official Microsoft site.
very interesting dicussion. i will stick with XP sp2 still...
That's true for Windows 7. However, if u don't want to spend much money. U can consider WinXP which is considered to be better than Vista, esp. the compatibility.
windows 7 would be the best choice...no need to get the highest version though, choose what's right for your applications...
i think that windows7 is much better then Vista. Even XP is better if you ask me. I've had it on my desktop for over 5 yrs and it still runs perfectly. My laptop meanwhile is always stuffing up on Vista.
Then there's also the compatibility of eng. programs issue too. Some will not run on Vista, where as on XP they run fine..