12-25-2012, 09:33 PM
Browsing Internet safely is utmost problem for everybody
These days the Internet is like a a jungle.
Not only for ordinary browsing, for business transactions and also for our kids' browsings
Everybody watches everybody (feels like it)
Using add-ons somewhat prevents google, facebook, twitter, and thousand others who are trying to learn your browsing habits , your activities, etc.
It is an on-going battle we have to deal or give up. It is just part of game. Some looses some gains.
I came accros this web site, and I was wondering if anybody has experience, knowledge about it
I have installed on my computer but I am not sure how to properly configure it so it does not bug down my internet browsing, or another question is that is it really safe like they say.
![[Image: 69777233471536280063.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/69777233471536280063.jpg)
These days the Internet is like a a jungle.
Not only for ordinary browsing, for business transactions and also for our kids' browsings
Everybody watches everybody (feels like it)
Using add-ons somewhat prevents google, facebook, twitter, and thousand others who are trying to learn your browsing habits , your activities, etc.
It is an on-going battle we have to deal or give up. It is just part of game. Some looses some gains.
I came accros this web site, and I was wondering if anybody has experience, knowledge about it
I have installed on my computer but I am not sure how to properly configure it so it does not bug down my internet browsing, or another question is that is it really safe like they say.
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![[Image: 69777233471536280063.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/69777233471536280063.jpg)