09-24-2012, 09:08 AM
MATLAB code: PMM,PM,MM interaction curves for short columns of practically any shape
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The Matlab code for rectangular column interaction curve I posted last week is actually incorrect. The new one I post now can create the P-M-M, M-M, P-M interaction curves for short columns of practically any arbitrary shapes including openings. It has been extensively checked with spColumn v4.81 lastest version that shows excellent agreement.
4 main srcipt m files are included:
- RcolPMMall_1.m ---> rectangular column
- LcolPMMall_1.m ---> L-shaped column
- CcolPMMall_1.m ---> C-shaped column
- CcolPMMall_1w1O ---> C-shaped column with opening.
For typical regular shapes (rectangle, T, L, C, I, Z, Cross, regular polygons), the global coordinates (Xo,Yo,Xbo,Xbo) of the section & reinf bars can be readily built into the program. For an arbitray shape, they need to be specified.
Other files are supporting functions:
- polygeom.m: calculates area & centriodal coordinates of a polygon (this one I gleaned from the web; the rest are my own's)
- fcutpolygon1.m: cuts a polygon into 2 parts, retains & renumbers one of them for use (this is an essential part used to isolate the concrete compression block) + other minor .m files.
The program produces 4 graphs:
- geometry & reinf patern
- 3D P-M-M surface plot
- 2D Mx-My plot for a specified level of axial force P (that you can change)
- 2D P-M plot for a specified angle (GAMMA)of direction of biaxial bending moment
15 levels of P are used (changeable) ---> for some irregular shapes, the surface plot might look jagged in some places where the contours twist a lot.
Download link for Matlab m files below
Note: for correct results, corner points (Xo,Yo) of arbitary shapes are entered CLOCKWISE for main geometry & COUNTERCLOCKWISE for openings.
global coordinates
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