A combined isolation system for the Wellington Hospital in Wellington, New Zealand, and a new type of isolation device
Author: Zhao, John X.; Robinson, William H. | Size: 895 KB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: NISEE e-Library | Year: 2009 | pages: 9
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ellington Fault, capable of producing an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 and with an average return period of 700 years, passes through Wellington city. Only a few kilometres from the fault surface trace, a regional hospital was built during 2004-2009. To achieve an objective that the hospital must function normally immediately after a large earthquake along the Wellington Fault, the hospital building was seismically isolated, and a relatively low baseshear coefficient and a very large design displacement were required. The building is a moment-resisting reinforced concrete frame structure and the vertical load at the base of each column ranges from 400kN to just over 4000kN. The relatively low vertical load poses a great design difficulty in achieving a satisfactory stability safety factor with a reasonable cost for the lead rubber bearings. We proposed a combined isolation system for this building, consisting of friction sliding devices for those columns with a light vertical load and lead rubber bearings for the other columns. The combined system has a maximum design displacement of 600mm and our test results show that there is a satisfactory stability safety factor. To overcome similar design difficulties, Robinson Seismic Ltd. has developed a new isolation system - RoGlider. Some test results and an application of RoGlider for a single storey hospital in New Zealand are presented. The paper also presents the analyses of testing results for a pair of lead rubber bearings under extreme horizontal displacement and demonstrates a possible mechanism for the negative stiffness developed during the unloading and reloading phase of the test.
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Water pressures on dams during earthquakes
Author: Westergaard, Harold M. | Size: 4.6 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified
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Seismic design of bridge abutments and retaining walls
Author: Wood, J. H.; Elms, D. G. | Size: 2.2 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Unspecified | Publisher: NISEE e-Library | Year: 1990 | pages: 97
Report reviews findings from a series of research projects related to the seismic design of soil retaining walls. The behavior of retaining walls under earthquake loading has been studied by experimental and theoretical (analytical) investigations of both free standing walls and walls that are rigidly connected to a major structure such as a bridge abutment. Free standing walls, ranging from rigid to walls that can respond by outward sliding on soil failure planes have been investigated. Analysis and design procedures for special forms of construction, including reinforced earth and tied-back walls have been developed.
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