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Hello to everyone,
I would like to see your opinion about quitting PhD studies. Momentarily I'm lacking good will, and I have feeling that on my department the rest of emploies could do their job without me as good as with me.
What to do after that? Where to go?
Thanks for the opinion.
Best regards
It depends on what your career goals are. I am not sure how things run in Croatia, but in the USA a PhD is a direct route to academia. In my opinion, a PhD adds no value as a practicing engineer and may actually hurt your career in the non academic world. There is a world of difference between the academic world and the practical engineering knowledge that you can only learn through experience.
Freequo, you should stop it only if:
- you don't feel confident in and understanding the matter of you thesis;
- you feel there are many other "ordinary engineers" that are better than you, and you are just doing it "to get a degree".
- you don't know how to go on and finish you thesis.

All these are one and the same meaning: you don't deserve the others to think that you are better than a ordinary engineer.

But you can always hide that you are PhD - just don't tell the others. They will not make jokes that you have higher degree and you are less able than them.

In any other case (you think you deserve it, you want to learn more, to have something to show that you are better, etc.) - GO FOR IT! If you are young it is very easy to make a PhD, compared to say you're 40~50 yrs old. In any case - it will not hurt you, you'll not get damaged, just you'll lose some time, and believe me - you'll see later that it pays back, and it's not a lost time.

Hello there!

I don't think you should quit for any reason (other than health god forbid).
Everyone lacks good will sometimes but I think you should pull through and finish even if you have no interest in it anymore. One should always finish what one started, especially if it was out of good will (what I assume it is), this way you'll never regret anything if nothing else.

As for your department you shouldn't care for that so much. Yes, you work with them and everything and one should respect that, but your PHD isn't FOR them.

What to do after? Hm, I don't think anyone ever knows that. But I think you'll always have options, even more with a PHD.
But considering the situation now in Croatia, practice isn't a good option right now and especially private practice, unless you have something certain and "safe" waiting for you.
In the end ofc this is your and only your decision.

I work in practice and I'm a PHD student, I lack good will all the time, with clients and everyone around ****** my brains out, and I cursed myself hundreds of times for getting into this. It isn't easy for anyone, but it isn't hard enough to give up.

So what I'm blabering here is just trying to say not to quit. I don't know you, but it would be a shame if you do quit.

All the best!

Dear freequo,

I think it is not good idea if you have already advanced in you studies a long so as said by DamirDz, it is not easy but it is not hard enough to quit... i do practice and about to submit my thesis... knowledge is always helping and you never know how it helps across your life but it does help (i hope you are researching with a knowledge goal not for degree only) irrespective of your subject... so dont give it up buddy... need any help ask the forum friends... this forum dont let any civil engineer down... and always ready for help not only on technical ground but consider this forum as family... better to throw your sorrow feeling and get down to your work.. wish you all the best...
Can you update us about this issue and your final decision. Hope you are continuing your pursue of PhD
Wow, I'm surprised that somone wishes to hear the rest.
I've decided to stay at my university for the next 400 days untill my contract expires. I've done very little for my phd because of lack of money and time, not only mine, but also the other people that are involved in all this.
I've started to look around what to do after the end. In one talk with one proffessor, i started to think that if i were somewhere else, at some other university, that i would be near the end.
It is all frustrating and i still have doubt if i made a proper decision.
Thank you all for writing suggesstions and gave me a tap on a back and to show me that someone cares, although you don't know me. This is the one reason that i like this forum.
Wish you the best. Hope everything works out for you at the end
Do not quit your PhD. I am a practicing engineer and instead of the academia you can work as a designer, It makes a world of difference in consulting and where designs get complicated and without reach, they will call you. You will regret this decision the rest of your life. Do not quit, keep working even harder now. Good luck.

A. Poitevin, PhD, PE
Dear Freequo,

Don't do that unless you are obliged for, for instance, economical reasons.
A PhD is always a PhD in the design field, and there's a lot of work around and out of Europe although I've always worked for a general contractor.


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