Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Awaiting Activation Members
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Dear Admin,

Yesterday I saw one member posting unappropriated two threads with the same content. I thought that he did not use the real e-mail for signing up. I also doubt that why members did not activate account. Do they use fake e-mail? or, they don't want to be our forum member permanently.

My suggestion is: Don't allow "Awaiting Activation Members" posting.

At least spammer cannot do their job because almost of them don't use real e-mail. Sometime, they "Awaiting Activation Members" just posted asking popular question such as "I need crack too." even though it's also mentioned in the previous post. One question and go.

Best Regards.

awaiting activation member up to yesterday only could view topic & not allow posting or download attachments, from yesterday they can`t view topics too, thus only registered members that active their account by email can view & posting.