Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: Your Favorite Template
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Template V3 is ok..
A light color in this template also good as a background.
i like this template V3. it's so easy to view and read.

I think each year we should change the color of the template make it new and innovate.
I like V3 template.
It fits my screen - Flatron M234WA - LCD TV monitor.

I like template V3 it's nice and easy to read
I lyke new template. congratulations
Template V3 is good. The color combination is more energetic than the previous templates.
Template v3 is great
First of all I really appreciate the work done by the concerned people involved in making this. I liked both the versions, a change is always welcome.

In this new version, There is a grey band and then a black background, may be we can either make it grey or black just to have a uniform background, or have the heading in grey and the body of the post in black or vice-versa.

I like the New Template.

It's like a brand new successful look for a brand new successful year coming!

Kudos to everyone.

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