How I can Transfer data from SAP2000 to Tekla Structures and from Tekla Structures to SAP2000
I found this on website
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Is it tips about that?
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I've wrote my own software for that in excel vba, it imports sap $2k and exports ASCII file import.asc. The final target for the project is to perform conversion between sap, etabs, tekla. Sap geometry code is almost done, Etabs is in progress, tekla ASCII file is almost done. I have previous experience with tekla api and sap api, witch can be implemented later.
It's work in progress, sap to tekla works. If someone around here with vba skills would like to contribute, something like a civilea open source project, I can share it. Or start from the vba code and design a C# application, I can help.
Another thing, you can export shells from sap to dxf and import them in tekla as plates with a single thickness.
A personal note, modeling in detailing software is different then in analysis software (frame axes intersection, position, neglected elements like small stiffeners) this is why tekla has some sort of analysis model interface, where all kinds of intersections, connections, loads, frame axis are defined.
Dear Sir
Tekla has own OAPI software which can be installed on your Tekla Structure application. It depends on Tekla version and also SAP2000 version and (32bit or 64 bit) of them.
when you model a new project in Tekla, new Tekla can make analysis model and add-on software can transfer it to SAP2000 and get the result (Profile Size). It is interesting that all connections would be up to date after importing from SAP2000.
However you may using SDNF or CSI/2 or IFC format for import and export Model between SAP2000 and Tekla.
My Best Regards