Dear friends,
Can someone tell me the procedure for designing flat slab using etabs or safe. I thank u all in advance for all your posts and replies.
Thanks & Regards,
there is a very good (and quiet long) video in safe named "introduction to modelling" or something like that. It is very clear. Try it
(03-16-2011, 06:01 PM)muthu.mj Wrote: [ -> ]Dear friends,
Can someone tell me the procedure for designing flat slab using etabs or safe. I thank u all in advance for all your posts and replies.
Thanks & Regards,
Etabs can't do the design of flat slabs, actually Safe is the entended program for these problems. you can go to the CSI website and download the video tutorials from this website or simply you can apply the examples of the quick tutorial of Safe
If you haven't done yet a two way flat slab/flat plate design I recommend that first you study the EFM (equivalent frame method) of ACI. Use a simple frame analysis software to do the calculation of static moments and the transversal distribution of the moments between column strips (CS) and middle strips (MS); I recommend using spSlab or ADAPT-RC. I believe the lastest SAFE has the EFM integrated but it does not do the transversal distribution of moments to the CS and MS. If your slab is regular you may use the Direct Method of ACI which uses prescribed coefficients to calculate CS & MS positive and negative moments.
I think you can do a preliminary design by first principles. Using a FEM is sometimes an overkill and it does not help novices to understand what the core of the design of slabs is. I am part of the old guard so I see lots of young engineers using sophisticated software but don't understand the basic principles.
ETABS can't design slab, it just gives the analysis result.
However, you can use the analysed result to design using a 3rd party software.
Normally, i will design the floor with PROKON.
Well, it's good if you wan to export the floor to SAFE and let it to design for you.
But, what i suggested is try to design using a 3rd party software from ETABS result. You will learn more about the FEM result.
Can you please kindly give us a simple procedure to carry out the design of slab from etabs anlaysis? I am already thinking of this, but I am a bit confused, as forces (M11,M22) yield large amounts of moment near areas of stress concentration.
Can we take the average moment across a design strip?