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I am looking for the following papers:
Geometric and material non-linear behaviour of beam-columns
J.L. Meek, S. Loganathan
The present study is concerned with the geometric and material non-linear behaviour of space frame structures comprising thin walled circular and square hollow sections. For the realistic prediction of the non-linear behaviour of a structure, the numerical analysis must incorporate the effect of both geometric and material non-linearities. A simple and efficient formulation of beam-column elements for the large displacement analysis of elasto-plastic frame structures is presented. An incremental-iterative method based on the arc length method combined with the Newton-Raphson method was employed for the solution of the non-linear governing equations. Iterations were not suppressed at any stage of the present scheme. The simplicity, accuracy and efficiency of the proposed method is demonstrated through various numerical examples.
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Design of circular and rectangular hollow section columns
K.S. Virdi
An analytical method for computing the ultimate failure loads of inelastic columns subjected to axial thrust and uniaxial bending moments is presented. As part of the computational procedure, a rapid method of calculating the moment thrust curvature relations is described. The procedure uses the well known Gauss quadrature formulae. With the aid of a mapping device, any quadrilateral part of the cross-section can be considered including any arbitrary residual stress pattern. This enables the analysis of a wide variety of cross-sections, including circular and rectangular hollow sections. The ultimate failure loads are obtained by finding the highest load for which an equilibrium deflected shape can be calculated. A generalised Newton-Raphson method has been adopted for the calculation of the deflected shape of the column. The computer program developed has been used to examine the validity of the newly proposed design curves in ECCS Recommendations as well as he draft BS 5400 : Part 3 applicable to circular and rectangular hollow sections. it is concluded that the ECCS recommendations are safe, but the proposals in BS 5400 : Part 3 are found to be unduly conservative.
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Geometric and material nonlinear analysis of structures comprising rectangular hollow sections
S. Kitipornchai∗, F.G.A. Al-Bermani
This paper presents a nonlinear finite element analysis of structures comprising thin-walled rectangular hollow sections. Nonlinearities due to both the change of geometry and material yielding are included, incorporating also the effects of strain-unloading. The geometry and the stiffness of the elements are modified and used to update the structure tangent stiffness matrix. An iterative numerical procedure combining the arc-length and the work methods is employed for the solution of the incremental equation of equilibrium. The method has been applied successfully to predict the nonlinear load-deflection behaviour of isolated cold-formed SHS columns, fabricated RHS parabolic fixed end arches, and double chord SHS trusses having different joint configurations.
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Geometrically nonlinear analysis of elastic framed structures
M.B. Wong, F. Tin-Loi
The development of a method for the elastic nonlinear analysis of framed structures is presented. It is capable of providing solutions up to and including any existing limit point. The effects of both member and structure deformations are accounted for. The solution strategy proposed rests on a judicious combination of the well-known Newton-Raphson iterative scheme and a novel modification of the arc-length method within a finite element based partially updated Lagrangian description. The proposed variation of the arc-length technique enables a solution at the limit point to be calculated. Very accurate results can be obtained as demonstrated by three examples, all solved using the computer program developed.
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Nonlinear analysis of lattice structures
S. Kitipornchai, F.G.A. Al-Bermani
The paper describes a nonlinear analytical technique developed by the authors in recent years for predicting the structural response of large scale lattice structures. This type of structure is generally more sensitive to imperfections; hence, the analysis method needs to consider the various nonlinear effects. Sources of nonlinearity affecting the ultimate behaviour of lattice structures include geometric nonlinearity, material nonlinearity, joint flexibility and slippage. Geometric nonlinearity can be accounted for by incorporating the effect of initial stress as well as geometrical variations in the structure during the loading process. For large scale lattice structures, the material nonlinearity can be incorporated by using the lumped plasticity model, while the effect of joint flexibility can be incorporated by modifying the tangent stiffness of the element using an appropriate moment—rotation relation for the joint. The nonlinear formulation has been applied to a number of example problems selected to demonstrate the applicability and versatility of the method.
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Advanced analysis of steel building frames
M.J Clarke, R.Q Bridge, G.J Hancock, N.S Trahair
The paper describes advanced analysis as defined in the Australian limit states design specification, AS 4100-1990. Advanced analysis may be used for the second-order inealstic analysis and design of frames in which the members are compact and have full lateral restraint. Some aspects of the inclusion of residual stresses, geometrical imperfections and capacity factors in advanced analysis are discussed. An advanced analysis based on the finite element method and utilising a distributed plasticity formulation has been developed at the University of Sydney and is used to perform numerical studies of the behaviour of simple structural elements and frames, including the effects of residual stresses and geometrical imperpections. Based on the results of the analyses, some observations on the importance of including imperfections in the advanced analysis of steel building frames are made.
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Performance of tuned mass dampers under wind loads
K.C.S. Kwok
The performance of both passive and active tuned mass damper (TMD) systems can be readily assessed by parametric studies which have been the subject of numerous research. The results of those parametric studies are invaluable in the selection of optimum TMD parameters. Few experimental verifications of TMD theory have been carried out, particularly those involving active control, but the results of those experiments generally compared well with those obtained by parametric studies. Despite some serious design constraints, a number of passive and active tuned mass damper systems have been successfully installed in tall buildings and other structures to reduce the dynamic response due to wind and earthquakes. The results of extensive full-scale measurement programs conducted on a significant number of these clearly show the effectiveness of the systems.
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The Effect Of Shear Deformation On The Critical Buckling Of Columns
J.R. Banerjee, F.W. Williams
Starting from equations analogous to those that are widely used for vibration of axially loaded Timoshenko beams, insights are obtained into the buckling behaviour of columns which deform in shear. These insights help in explaining and recognizing those combinations of end conditions for which a simple formula, originally derived by Engesser for clamped-free columns, can be used to predict exactly the effect of shear deformation on the lowest critical buckling loads of columns. The formula is Pc = P0 /(1 + P0/kAG), where Pc is the required buckling load, P0 is the buckling load if shear deformation is ignored and kAG is the shear rigidity. Illustrative results are given for metal columns, but these are intended primarily as an introduction to the principal result. This consists of a single curve which can be applied to metal or composite columns. It represents Engesser's equation, and is expressed in terms of the effective length ratio of the column obtained by ignoring the shear deformations. The combinations of end conditions for which this curve is valid are explored and it is shown to be valid for many standard cases, including hinged-hinged, clamped-free and clamped-clamped columns. It is also valid if the hinged-hinged column has rotational springs of equal stiffness added at its ends. However, the curve is not valid for the common clamped-hinged case (or if the hinged-hinged column has rotational springs of unequal stiffnesses at its ends) for which it can give 20% or greater discrepancy from the correct curve. Such large differences occur in ranges which are of relevance for many composite columns, which is the context in which the results presented are expected to be most useful.
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An interactive buckling theory for built-up beam-columns and its application to centrally compressed built-up members
Tong Geng-Shu, Chen Shao-Fan
By modelling the built-up beam-column as a member with a sandwich cross-section and introducing the concept of reduced axial stiffness of an imperfect bar, this paper establishes an interactive buckling theory for built-up beam-columns which can be used to determine the ultimate strength of the member taking account of various adverse influences of imperfections (residual stress, member's and chords' initial deflections and load eccentricity).
A centrally compressed built-up column is analysed by the Finite Integral Method to illustrate the application of the theory. It is found that the chord's critical stress is the upper limit of the column's critical stress and can be used as the ‘compressive yield stress’ of the column; there exists a very unfavourable interaction between the bending of the chord and of the column. A Q-factor design method similar to that adopted in cold-formed steel is suggested for the built-up column. A simple shear force formula is presented which is in reasonable agreement with the current available test results.
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