11-14-2010, 10:50 AM
Post-Tensioned Beam Design
![[Image: 97821059261190821891.jpg]](https://pic.civilea.com/images/97821059261190821891.jpg)
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A full design example of a three span,single level parking structure T-beam example.
Presented by Professor Bijan O Aalami based on ACI 318-02 and IBC 2003.
Design steps:
1)Preliminary Steps:
a.Member thickness.
b.Cover to rebar and prestressing.
2)Computational Steps:
a.Geometry and structural system.
b.Material properties.
d.Design parameters.
e.Actions due to dead and live loads.
f.Actions due to post-tensioning.
g.Stress check for serviceability.
h.Minimum passive reinforcement.
i.Strength calculation for bending.
j.Shear design.
k.Deflection check.
l.Stresses at transfer.
m.Tendon and reinforcement layout.
n.Computer solution.
Note: sorry again for my lack of skills in combining multiple pictures into a Pdf,I would greatly appreciate it if someone recommends Me how to do it on my profile comments.
![[Image: Download.png]](https://forum.civilea.com/postgen/Download.png)
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