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(The Whittier Narrows, California Earthquake of October 1, 1987)


1.—Early Results of Isoseismal Studies and Damage Surveys
E.V. Leyendecker et al

2. Social Aspects
K. Tierney

3. Emergency Response
R. Andrews

4. Asbestos Hazards in Post-Earthquake Investigations
M.D. Chambers

5. Buildings at Risk
B.G. Jones and C.N. Nicolaides

6. Seismology
L. Jones and E. Hauksson

7. Preliminary Assessment of Strong Ground Motion Records
A.G. Brady, E.C. Etheredge, and R.L. Porcella

8. CSMIP Strong Motion Data
A. Shakal, M.J. Huang, and T.Q. Cao

9. Note on Peak Accelerations During the 1 and 4 October Earthquakes
M.D. Trifunac

10. Preliminary Analysis of Peak Horizontal Acceleration
K.W. Campbell

11. Simulation of Recorded Accelerations
D. Wald et al

12. Evaluation of Strengthened and Unstrengthened Unreinforced Masonry in Los Angeles City
K. Deppe

13. Masonry Building Performance Survey
G.C. Hart et al

14. Preliminary Evaluation of the Performance of Strengthened Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
T.A. Moore et al

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Vol. 13 Issue 4 (1998)

Roger D. Borcherdt

Thalia Anagnos

1. Methodologies for Evaluating the Socio-Economic Consequences of Large Earthquakes
Stephanie A. King, Anne S. Kiremidjian, Nesrin Basöz, Kincho Law, Mladen Vucetic, Macan Doroudian, Robert A. Olson, John M. Eidinger, Kenneth A. Goettel, and Gerald Horner

2. Loss Estimation Due to Seismic Risks to Highway Systems
Stuart D. Werner, Craig E. Taylor, and James E. Moore II

3. An Earthquake Loss Estimation Methodology for Buildings Based on ATC-13 and ATC-21
Thomas C. McCormack and Franz N. Rad

4. Earthquake Damage and Loss Estimation Methodology and Data for Salt Lake County, Utah (ATC-36)
Christopher Rojahn, Stephanie A. King, Roger E. Scholl, Anne S. Kiremidjian, Lawrence D. Reaveley, and Robert R. Wilson

5. Development of a National Earthquake Loss Estimation Methodology
Robert V. Whitman, Thalia Anagnos, Charles A. Kircher, Henry J. Lagorio, R. Scott Lawson, and Philip Schneider

6. Development of Building Damage Functions for Earthquake Loss Estimation
Charles A. Kircher, Aladdin A. Nassar, Onder Kustu, and William T. Holmes

7. Direct and Indirect Economic Losses from Earthquake Damage
David S. Brookshire, Stephanie E. Chang, Hal Cochrane, Robert A. Olson, Adam Rose, and Jerry Steenson

8. Estimation of Earthquake Losses to Buildings
Charles A. Kircher, Robert K. Reitherman, Robert V. Whitman, and Christopher Arnold

9. The Role of Earthquake Hazard Maps in Loss Estimation: A Study of the Northridge Earthquake
Robert B. Olshansky

10. Advances in Earthquake Loss Estimation and Application to Memphis, Tennessee
Masanobu Shinozuka, Stephanie E. Chang, Ronald T. Eguchi, Daniel P. Abrams, Howard H. M. Hwang, and Adam Rose

11. Seismic Performance Evaluation of Fire Stations in Shelby County, Tennessee
Howard H. M. Hwang, Huijie Lin, and Jun-Rong Huo

12. Earthquake Loss Estimation for Europe's Historic Town Centres
Dina D'Ayala, Robin Spence, Carlos Oliveira, and Antonios Pomonis

13. Seismic Microzonation and Estimation of Earthquake Loss Scenarios: Integrated Risk Mitigation Project of Bogotá, Colombia
Omar D. Cardona and Luis E. Yamín

14. Real-Time Loss Estimation as an Emergency Response Decision Support System: The Early Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment Tool (EPEDAT)
Ronald T. Eguchi, James D. Goltz, Hope A. Seligson, Paul J. Flores, Neil C. Blais, Thomas H. Heaton, and Edward Bortugno

15. The Treatment of Earthquake Portfolio Uncertainty: A Focus on Issues of Asset Distribution
Gordon Woo

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(The Whittier Narrows, California Earthquake of October 1, 1987)

John F. Meehan and Charles C. Thiel, Jr.

1. Performance of Tilt-up Buildings
R.O. Hamburger et al

2. Ticor Title Insurance Building Damage
K. Estes

3. Performance of Buildings at California State University, Los Angeles
N. Taly

4. Response of a Tall Masonry Building
G.C. Hart and R.D. Ewing

5. Response of Lifelines and Their Effect on Emergency Response
A.J. Schiff

6. Response of Elevators
A.J. Schiff

7. Damage to State Highway Bridges
J.H. Gates et al

8. Damage to the I-5/I-605 Separator
M.J.N. Priestley

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The Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1985

1.Consequences, Lessons, and Impact on Research and Practice
L. Esteva

2. Seismic Design Regulations of the 1976 Mexico Building Code
F. García-Ranz and R. Gómez

3. Complementary Technical Norms for Earthquake Resistant Design, 1987 Edition
R. Gómez and F. García-Ranz

4. Live Load Specifications of the 1976 and 1987 Mexico City Building Codes

5. Past Decisions, Present Danger: An Historical Perspective on Ecology and Earthquakes in Mexico City
S. Tobriner

6. Model for Generation of Subduction Earthquakes
H.P. Hong and E. Rosenblueth

7. Probability Distribution of Times Between Characteristic Subduction Earthquakes
J.M. Jara and E. Rosenblueth

8. Self-Stimulated Seismicity for Noncharacteristic Earthquakes
E. Rosenblueth

9. Nonstationary Models of Seismic Ground Acceleration
M. Grigoriu, S.E. Ruiz, and E. Rosenblueth

10. On the Seismic Response of the Valley of Mexico
F. Sánchez-Sesma, S. Chávez-Pérez, M. Suárez, M.A. Bravo, and L.E. Pérez-Rocha

11. The Incident Wavefield in Mexico City during the Great Michoacán Earthquake and Its Interaction with the Deep Basin
M. Campillo, P.-Y. Bard, F. Nicollin, and F. Sánchez-Sesma

12. A Theoretical Investigation of Large- and Small-scale Amplification Effects in the Mexico City Valley
P.-Y. Bard, M. Campillo, F.J. Chávez-Garcia, and F. Sánchez-Sesma

13. Effect of Magnitude on the Character of Strong Ground Motion: An Example from the Guerrero, Mexico Strong Motion Network
J.G. Anderson and R. Quaas

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Vol. 14 Issue 1 (1998)

1. Equivalent Static Eccentricities in the Simplified Methods of Seismic Analysis of Buildings
K. Anastassiadis, A. Athanatopoulou, and T. Makarios

2. The Spectral Source Model: A Tool for Deterministic and Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment
Catherine Berge, André Herrero, Pascal Bernard, Myriam Bour, and Pascal Dominique

3. Plans, Code Enforcement, and Damage Reduction: Evidence from the Northridge Earthquake
Raymond J. Burby, Steven P. French, and Arthur C. Nelson

4. Site Effects and Microzonation in Acapulco
Francisco J. Chávez-García and Julio Cuenca

5. Effects of Isolation Damping on Stochastic Response of Structures with Nonlinear Base Isolators
R. S. Jangid and P. Banerji

6. Observed Variation of Earthquake Motion across a Basin—Taipei City
Chin-Hsiung Loh, Jeng-Yaw Hwang, and Tzay-Chyn Shin

7. Scaling Procedure for Natural Accelerograms Based on a System of Spectrum Intensity Scales
Juan Enrique Martínez-Rueda

8. A Replacement for the 30%, 40%, and SRSS Rules for Multicomponent Seismic Analysis
Charles Menun and Armen Der Kiureghian

9. Stiffness Design for Specified Nonexceedance Probability of Seismic Response
Yutaka Nakamura and Tsuneyoshi Nakamura

10. Logic Trees, Sensitivity Analyses, and Data Reduction in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment
Nitzan Rabinowitz, David M. Steinberg, and Gideon Leonard

11. Data Analysis of the Euroseistest Strong Motion Array in Volvi (Greece): Standard and Horizontal-to-Vertical Spectral Ratio Techniques
D. Raptakis, N. Theodulidis, and K. Pitilakis

12. The Rinaldi Strong Motion Accelerogram of the Northridge, California Earthquake of 17 January 1994
Mihailo D. Trifunac, Maria I. Todorovska, and Vincent W. Lee

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Vol. 14 Issue 2 (1998)

1. Direct Economic Losses in the Northridge Earthquake: A Three-Year Post-Event Perspective
Ronald T. Eguchi, James D. Goltz, Craig E. Taylor, Stephanie E. Chang, Paul J. Flores, Laurie A. Johnson, Hope A. Seligson, and Neil C. Blais

2. Nonlinear Analyses of an Instrumented Structure Damaged in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake
Y. Roger Li and James O. Jirsa

3. Earthquake Impacts and Hazard Adjustment by Acutely Hazardous Materials Facilities Following the Northridge Earthquake
Michael K. Lindell and Ronald W. Perry

4. A Stochastic Approach in Estimating the Pseudo-Relative Spectral Velocity
LiJun Liu and Shahram Pezeshk

5. Performance of Solid Waste Landfills in Earthquakes
Neven Matasovic, Edward Kavazanjian, Jr., and Robert L. Anderson

6. Seismic Behavior and Deterministic Design Procedures for Steel V-Braced Frames
Alexander M. Remennikov and Warren R. Walpole

7. Effect of Site Amplification and Basin Response on Strong Motion in Las Vegas, Nevada
Feng Su, John G. Anderson, Shean Der Ni, and Yuehua Zeng

8. Nonlinear Seismic Soil-Pile Structure Interaction
Shaomin Wang, Bruce L. Kutter, M. Jacob Chacko, Daniel W. Wilson, Ross W. Boulanger, and Abbas Abghari

9. EERI Annual Student Paper Award Confinement of Rectangular Bridge Columns in Moderate Seismic Areas
Nadim Wehbe

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The Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1985


1.A Study of Amplification of Seismic Waves in the Valley of Mexico with Respect to a Hill Zone Site
S.K. Singh, J. Lermo, T. Domínguez, M. Ordaz, J.M. Espinosa, E. Mena, and R. Quaas

2. An Empirical Model to Predict Fourier Amplitude Spectra of Horizontal Ground Motion
R. Castro, S.K. Singh, and E. Mena

3. Relationships Between Soil Conditions and Earthquake Ground Motions
H.B. Seed, M.P. Romo, J.I. Sun, A. Jaime, and J. Lysmer

4.General Soil Conditions and Clay Properties in the Valley of Mexico
M.P. Romo, A. Jaime, and D. Reséndiz

5.Deformability of Mexico City Hard Deposits Under Cyclic Loading
E. Ovando-Shelley, M. Mendoza, and M.P. Romo

6.Earthquake Behavior of Soft Sites in Mexico City
E.A. Rukos

7. Correlations Between Dynamic and Static Properties of Mexico City Clay
A. Jaime and M.P. Romo

8. Natural Period of Sites in the Valley of Mexico from Microtremor Measurements and Strong Motion Data
J. Lermo, M. Rodríguez, and S.K. Singh

9.Estimation of Response Spectra in the Lake Bed Zone of the Valley of Mexico
M. Ordaz, S.K. Singh, E. Reinoso, J. Lermo, J.M. Espinosa, and T. Domínguez

10.Behavior of Building Foundations in Mexico City
M.J. Mendoza and G. Auvinet

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(The Mexico Earthquake of September 19, 1988)


1.Analysis of Building Response
R. Meli and J.A. Ávila

2.Evaluation of the Seismic Capacity of Buildings in Mexico City
F. Noreña, C. Castañeda, and J. Iglesias

3.Analysis of the Seismic Performance of a Medium Rise, Waffle Flat Plate Building
M. Rodríguez and C. Díaz

4. Ductility and Resistance Requirements Imposed on a Concrete Building
E. Sordo, A. Terán, J.J. Guerrero, H. Juárez, and J. Iglesias

5. Behavior of Steel Buildings
J. Osteraas and H. Krawinkler

6. The Seismic Performance of Buildings with Weak First Storey
S.E. Ruiz and R. Diederich

7. Seismic Response of Asymmetrically Yielding Structures
S.E. Ruiz, E. Rosenblueth, and R. Diederich

8. Response and Design Spectra Obtained from Earthquake-Damaged Buildings
A. Gómez, R. Ortega, J.J. Guerrero, E. González, J.P. Paniagua, and J. Iglesias

9. Performance of Low-Rise Buildings in Mexico City
E. Miranda and V.V. Bertero

10. Statistics of Damage and of Retrofitting Techniques in Reinforced Concrete Buildings Affected by the 1985 Earthquake
J. Aguilar, H. Juárez, R. Ortega, and J. Iglesias

11. Case Studies of Seismic Strengthening for Two Buildings in Mexico City
D.A. Foutch, K.D. Hjelmstad, E. Del Valle Calderón, E. Figueroa Gutiérrez, and R.E. Downs

12. Typical Cases of Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Buildings
M. Jara, C. Hernández, R. García, and F. Robles

13. Behavior of Heavy Cladding Components
B. Goodno, J. Craig, and A. Zeevaert-Wolff

14. An Analysis of the Insured Loss and Implications for Risk Assessment
A. Smolka and G. Berz

15. New Accelerograph Network for Mexico City
J.M. Espinosa-Aranda, A. Uribe, B. Frontana, O. Contreras, and G. Ibarrola

16. Seismic Zoning of Mexico City after the 1985 Earthquake
J. Iglesias

17. Design Spectra for Mexico's Federal District
E. Rosenblueth, Mario Ordaz, F.J. Sánchez-Sesma, and S.K. Singh

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Vol. 14 Issue 3 (1998)

1. Response to Maria I. Todorovska's and Mihailo D. Trifunac's Discussion of "The Role of Earthquake Hazard Maps in Loss Estimation: A Study of the Northridge Earthquake"
Robert B. Olshansky

2. Discussion of "The Role of Earthquake Hazard Maps in Loss Estimation: A Study of the Northridge Earthquake" by Robert B. Olshansky
Maria I. Todorovska and Mihailo D. Trifunac

3. Shear-Wave Velocity Characteristics of Geologic Units in California
Christopher J. Wills and Walter Silva

4. Roof Isolation System to Reduce the Seismic Response of Buildings: A Preliminary Assessment
Roberto Villaverde

5. A Parametric Approach to Performance-Based Numerical Seismic Design
Amador Teran-Gilmore

6. Earthquakes, Records, and Nonlinear Responses
Nilesh Shome, C. Allin Cornell, Paolo Bazzurro, and J. Eduardo Carballo

7. How Reliable Are Global Computer Models? Correlation with Large-Scale Tests
Paolo Negro and Antonella Colombo

8. The NSF Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Research Program
S.C. Liu, W. Anderson, C. Astill, and L. Weber

9. Vertical Response of Twelve Structures Recorded during the Northridge Earthquake
Yousef Bozorgnia, Stephen A. Mahin, and A. Gerald Brady

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1. Past and Possible Future Earthquakes of Significance to the San Diego Region
John G. Anderson, Thomas K. Rockwell, and Duncan Carr Agnew

2. Seismic Response of a Large-Span Roof Diaphragm
Mehmet Celebi, Giovanni Bongiovanni, Erdal Safak, and A. Gerald Brady

3. Generating Seismic Design Power Spectral Density Functions
John T. Christian

4. Some Statistical Aspects of Earthquake Occurrence in Iraq
Khalid J. Fahmi and Jamal N. Al Abbasi

5. Slotted Bolted Connections in Aseismic Design for Concentrically Braced Connections
T. F. FitzGerald, Thalia Anagnos, Mary Goodson, and Theodore Zsutty

6. A Simplified Procedure for Constructing Probabilistic Response Spectra
Ming-Hsing Peng, Fawzi E. Elghadamsi, and Bijan Mohraz

7. Predicted Ductility Demands for Steel Moment Resisting Frames
Charles W. Roeder, James E. Carpenter, and Hidetake Taniguchi

8. Seismic Testing of Eccentrically Braced Dual Steel Systems
Andrew S. Whittaker, Chia-Ming Uang, and Vitelmo V. Bertero

9. In Memoriam C. Martin Duke
Lawrence Selna, Gary Hart, and Ajit Mal

BOOK REVIEW -Manual of Seismic Design

Proceedings of Second U.S.-Japan Workshop on Seismic Design/Construction

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