Vol. 13 Issue 4 (1998)
Roger D. Borcherdt
Thalia Anagnos
1. Methodologies for Evaluating the Socio-Economic Consequences of Large Earthquakes
Stephanie A. King, Anne S. Kiremidjian, Nesrin Basöz, Kincho Law, Mladen Vucetic, Macan Doroudian, Robert A. Olson, John M. Eidinger, Kenneth A. Goettel, and Gerald Horner
2. Loss Estimation Due to Seismic Risks to Highway Systems
Stuart D. Werner, Craig E. Taylor, and James E. Moore II
3. An Earthquake Loss Estimation Methodology for Buildings Based on ATC-13 and ATC-21
Thomas C. McCormack and Franz N. Rad
4. Earthquake Damage and Loss Estimation Methodology and Data for Salt Lake County, Utah (ATC-36)
Christopher Rojahn, Stephanie A. King, Roger E. Scholl, Anne S. Kiremidjian, Lawrence D. Reaveley, and Robert R. Wilson
5. Development of a National Earthquake Loss Estimation Methodology
Robert V. Whitman, Thalia Anagnos, Charles A. Kircher, Henry J. Lagorio, R. Scott Lawson, and Philip Schneider
6. Development of Building Damage Functions for Earthquake Loss Estimation
Charles A. Kircher, Aladdin A. Nassar, Onder Kustu, and William T. Holmes
7. Direct and Indirect Economic Losses from Earthquake Damage
David S. Brookshire, Stephanie E. Chang, Hal Cochrane, Robert A. Olson, Adam Rose, and Jerry Steenson
8. Estimation of Earthquake Losses to Buildings
Charles A. Kircher, Robert K. Reitherman, Robert V. Whitman, and Christopher Arnold
9. The Role of Earthquake Hazard Maps in Loss Estimation: A Study of the Northridge Earthquake
Robert B. Olshansky
10. Advances in Earthquake Loss Estimation and Application to Memphis, Tennessee
Masanobu Shinozuka, Stephanie E. Chang, Ronald T. Eguchi, Daniel P. Abrams, Howard H. M. Hwang, and Adam Rose
11. Seismic Performance Evaluation of Fire Stations in Shelby County, Tennessee
Howard H. M. Hwang, Huijie Lin, and Jun-Rong Huo
12. Earthquake Loss Estimation for Europe's Historic Town Centres
Dina D'Ayala, Robin Spence, Carlos Oliveira, and Antonios Pomonis
13. Seismic Microzonation and Estimation of Earthquake Loss Scenarios: Integrated Risk Mitigation Project of Bogotá, Colombia
Omar D. Cardona and Luis E. Yamín
14. Real-Time Loss Estimation as an Emergency Response Decision Support System: The Early Post-Earthquake Damage Assessment Tool (EPEDAT)
Ronald T. Eguchi, James D. Goltz, Hope A. Seligson, Paul J. Flores, Neil C. Blais, Thomas H. Heaton, and Edward Bortugno
15. The Treatment of Earthquake Portfolio Uncertainty: A Focus on Issues of Asset Distribution
Gordon Woo
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