Advances in Steel Structures Progress in Structural Stability and Dynamics ICASS '09 IJSSD
Author: S. L. Chan | Size: 93.7 MB | Format: PDF | Quality: Original preprint | Publisher: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Year: 2009 | pages: 1259
These three volumes of proceedings contain 16 invited keynote papers and 146
contributed papers presented in the 6th the international conference series on Advances
in Steel Structures, with the first, second and third of the conference series held in
Hong Kong, fourth in Shanghai and fifth in Singapore. As with the five previous
conferences, this conference is intended to provide a forum for discussion and
dissemination by researchers and designers of recent advances in analysis, behaviour,
design and construction of steel, aluminium and composite steel-concrete structures.
An international conference of this magnitude would not have been possible without
the supports and contributions of many individuals and organizations. The strong
supports from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Joint HKIE/ IStructE
Structural Division, The Hong Kong Institute of Steel Construction and the sponsors
from the academics and industry are greatly appreciated. The editorial contribution by
Professors CM Wang, YB Yang, JN Reddy and R. Rasheed in organizing the
Conference is greatly appreciated.
Last but not the least, we would like to thank all those involved in the conference who
including staff in the General Office of the Department of Civil and Structural
Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, especially to Miss Miya Lau
who assisted to organize the conference in the past year.
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