(10-03-2010, 09:12 AM)rusty Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Admin,
I hope I didn't miss something, because my group changed to uploader, but I still don't know the address of the ftp server or any details about the uploading. If you create the new section or have some instructions, please send us a notification. I'm ready to contribute to this great forum.
please wait...
i`m very busy these days...
all information about task will be publish soon...
we inform you by PM too...
you can suggest your suggestion until task published. :JC_cheers:
Dear Admin & Moderators
I join this group since Aug 2010, I do not have all archive files of this group because some of the links are dead / not work anymore.
Then, I want to know, is it possible for me to contribute in re-uploading files ?
IF POSSIBLE, plz tell me how to do it ?
[yes, any time user can join uploader team.
they must ability to upload files... it need high speed internet connection...
Dear Admin
I would like to make myself available for upload team. Unfortunately, due to low upload speed (20-30 kB/s) I am only able to upload ebooks.
(05-23-2016, 12:24 PM)Dobblo Wrote: [ -> ]Dear Admin
I would like to make myself available for upload team. Unfortunately, due to low upload speed (20-30 kB/s) I am only able to upload ebooks.
Dear "Dobblo"
thanks for your interesting to join our team, you can start your work and we`ll updated your group after a short time.
We want to create "Uploader Team" again.
if any user want to cooperate in this section tell us.