Civil Engineering Association

Full Version: CivilEA Up-loaders Team
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upload speed: 8 Megabyte/sec
typically the file-sharing sites are providing much less bandwidth for a user with free account (i have only free accounts on file-sharing sites).
I have 5Gb/day data upload limit too. download - no restriction
and I can upload too but my upload speed low 10kb/s but I can use remote uploads
(09-23-2010, 06:49 PM)Admin Wrote: [ -> ]please tell here your upload speed too.

most important thing is which file hosting you prefer to upload? or we upload to
I Could upload to Rapidshare & hotfile & " you agree)"

maybe that 8mb/s speed is for downloading not for uploading.but if your upload speed is really 8mb/s..its great..
you can check your upload speed in
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I have upload speed of averaging 0.30mb/s with download speed of 15mb/s.

yes, upload is around 8 megabyte/sec , the max I've seen with my connection was 10 megabyte/s (torrent)
download ~10 Mbyte/s
we`ll provided for uploader FTP account, then you can remote upload to other server.
  • rusty
  • kamran
  • reynand_d

we are planing to prepare dreamy feature in CivilEA future,
i`ll open new section for uploader team (only moderators & uploader access this section) for more coordination.

we are waiting for more user to join uploader team :mail1:

Dear Admin,
please some explanation abot FTP account, what is it ,how to use,it's advantages.
I really don't know what is it , and i want to be in touch with the team and the uploading capabilities.
Ok, i ead some infos about FTP account and as i understood, it is a limited free area on our site for us to upload the files,is'nt it ?
FTP account is = File Transfer Protocol
we give uploader team a storage in our host (about 100GB), you can upload files in this storage with software like FileZilla (very very simple), with high speed transfer ....
in this way you provided direct links for download but we don`t publish these links,,,, these links transfer to other host (like RS,MU, ..) by remote upload... but original files remain in our host permanentlythumbup
I want to know how to join the CivilEA Up-loaders Team, how to upload, is it mean sharing files through ftp sever?
Dear Admin,

I hope I didn't miss something, because my group changed to uploader, but I still don't know the address of the ftp server or any details about the uploading. If you create the new section or have some instructions, please send us a notification. I'm ready to contribute to this great forum.

congrats on a new uploaders team ...
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