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Hi All,
I have 2 models create in Etabs v9.6 and I want to combine in one. How can I do this. I tried with almost every think but with no succsess. Please help?
Thank You
probalby the best solution it´s to export them into another format like dxf ,,, combine them ,,, and import the geometry again but i am not sure.
the best way i think is :
1) in one of the models be sure that the beams, columns, slabs labels etc...are diferente from the other model.
2 )export both models as *.e2k
3) edit one e2k file with notepad ,,, cut and paste information from one to another
4) in etabs import the final *.e2k file
pf corse that is importante that that the model dont share the same global coordinates,,,, do a translation in one of the models if needed.
that sould do , this is simplified i did not tried the procedure, but in the old days there was no GUI(pre-processor) for SAP90 so we had to edit a text file and this is how we did it.
teste and give feedback please.
Thank You for your quick answer. I want to combine not only the geometry and section properties and loads. In SAP2000 it's easy only "cut" and "paste". I was so surprised that in ETABS didn't do. I'll try with your method. The next step that I have to do is to combine SAP model with in ETABS's model :)! If someone have more expirience with that let's share.
in fact that is strange ,,, although they share the same analysis algorithm and similar graphical interface there are some differences in them that i cannot understand. ! i think that they are developed parallel because if etabs were a spinoff of sap2000 they should be more compatible.
I have a doubt!
I´am modeling a group of buildings (three buildings whit diferents heights and shapes , they have a comon basement (it is the parking lot) like a table, when i did the modal analisys and checked the global base shear (on the comon first floor of the three buildings) and then i compare whit the sum of the shear of the colums the sum of the colums are greater than the global base shear. I did a simple model like a table and two towers ( 4 columns and 2 story) and i did the same comparisons and both values are equal bot when a did the same model with two tawers one whit 2 storys and the other with 3 storys the results are different (like the big model).
Can you help me?
P.D. Sorry for the bad English
hi every body...
i have a problem...i can't use etabs result for shear wall design
the walls are designed as "simplified C&T section" and columns are edge members and i choose "reinforcement to be checked" for them(they are checked not designed)...
for example i see 3.177 in "right top" in etabs i don't know ?
i must add this number to column reinforcement ?
what should i do with this number?
Analysis program is analysis program. It doesn't have brain enough to design work.
For me, I use it for analysis only, pick the critical values from program to design with section design spread sheet or section design software.
Dear k_civ_eng
I must answer to your PM here because you send me a private message asking for help but you didn't activate your private message so i can't send you the same.
I don't use etabs so i'm not the right person to help you. I hope someone else will help. I recommend you to activate the PM because if you will make any mistake you have the opportunity to receive a PM explaining the fault from one of the moderators before a warning. I warn imediatelly users that not give me the chance to explain before.
(12-11-2009, 05:21 AM)RICARDI Wrote: [ -> ]Hi!
I have a doubt!
I´am modeling a group of buildings (three buildings whit diferents heights and shapes , they have a comon basement (it is the parking lot) like a table, when i did the modal analisys and checked the global base shear (on the comon first floor of the three buildings) and then i compare whit the sum of the shear of the colums the sum of the colums are greater than the global base shear. I did a simple model like a table and two towers ( 4 columns and 2 story) and i did the same comparisons and both values are equal bot when a did the same model with two tawers one whit 2 storys and the other with 3 storys the results are different (like the big model).
Can you help me?
P.D. Sorry for the bad English
Hi there!
When you have a structure like you do, with multiple towers with a comon basement, you perform the modal and seismic analysis for every tower individually. So, you "cut out" one tower from the top of the basement and you run the modal and seismic analysis.
Practically you can make "2" different models:
- static model - you analyze the whole structure, without a modal and seismic analysis. And here you design the horizontal elements: beams, plates...(90% of the time).
- dynamic model - you make as many models as needed, and you perform the modal and seismic analysis. Here you design the vertical elements: walls, columns.
The problem that occurs in your case, is in that every tower has its own modal shapes and periods, and i think the program cannot recognize that you have multiple towers, so it doesn't distribute the forces as it should.
I hope I could help!
Here I give you these slides are in English, (but have at hand a translation into Spanish), to see how the sample ETABS steels in the walls. I hope they will not be useful and has been bothering the moderators.
PD. this is the way the sample ETABS steel in concrete walls.
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